UKNOF is being closed down during 2024, and this site is now only active as an archive of previous events and presentations.

13 September 2013
Europe/London timezone

Call for Sponsors

UKNOF26 Call for Sponsors

Please email to discuss sponsoring a meeting.

UKNOF relies on sponsors to help with costs for its tri-annual conferences as well as the costs of managing ongoing communications and promoting our and your Corporate Social Responsibility goals. There are a number of ways to participate as a sponsor.

Generally, UKNOF meetings are free to attend and this is thanks to our meeting sponsors. No other meeting exists like us as we do not charge the majority of registrants any attendance fees. It is all about being open and transparent and giving everyone a chance to attend. Other similar meetings tend to be closed affairs or charge hefty fees.

What we do is allow anyone with an interest to attend. We don’t just get the “usual suspects” from the global Internet meeting circuit at UKNOF, but a real cross-section of the UK Net Ops community – we can use UKNOF to bring the best of the content (and well known speakers) from the global circuit to a UK audience that can’t get to the bigger meetings, and cover topics which are closer to home and of specific interest to the local community.

UKNOF is about spreading the knowledge, the networking between people - to create a better informed industry.

UKNOF offers a range of sponsorship options each with a number of benefits for the sponsor. These include opportunities to present to the UKNOF attendees in the meeting and live webcast plus the regular promotion of your brand in event communications in online and print media where applicable.

Types of Sponsorship available:

1) Meeting Sponsorship
    4 Levels, each with different levels of benefits.
    You will be sponsoring toward the meeting itself:
        a) Platinum
        b) Gold
        c) Silver
        d) Bronze
        e) Host (Various responsibilities **)

All sponsorship levels listed above allow for multiple sponsors per meeting. If you are interested in sole-sponsorship then please contact us.

UKNOF appreciates the support of the sponsors regardless of whichever meeting sponsorship level is chosen.

** Host Responsibilities: Venue hunting (to UKNOF's requirements), venue hire (with UKNOF's approval), all technical and other meeting facilities, full catering, assistance with finding accommodation for delegates, constant point of contact in the run up to the meeting, during set up and the meeting day. Note, this sponsorship does not include any other sponsorship catergories.

2) Supporter Sponsorship
    This sponsorship allows you to be creative with the offering.
    Examples include coffee breaks, Barrista, T-Shirts, Badges and so on.

If you have any other ideas, do let us know. All creative ideas must also incorporate the UKNOF logo.
Final idea/design will be reviewed and must be approved by UKNOF.

Note: The Sponsor is responsible for costs and production the creative idea. All designs and ideas will be reviewed and must be approved by UKNOF in advance.

3) Social Recognition Sponsorship
    The following opportunities are covered under this:
        a) Pre-meeting dinner (traditionally is a curry) or other pre-meeting social event
        b) Breakfast
        c) After event social

Sponsors may either sole sponsor or co-sponsor a social event. Co-sponsors to be sourced by the sponsors themselves. The contribution to UKNOF ensures the social event will be officially recognised and be supported by UKNOF.

Note: The Sponsor is responsible for costs and planning of the social event. Site selection and social event idea will be reviewed and must be approved by UKNOF in advance. UKNOF may be able to suggest social venues. The Social must be open to all UKNOF attendees (limitation of numbers are allowed).

UKNOF can help with initial mail-out for social event attendance confirmation numbers, where required.

Please email to discuss sponsoring a meeting.