UKNOF is being closed down during 2024, and this site is now only active as an archive of previous events and presentations.

7 September 2010
GMT timezone

Contribution List

18 / 18
Mr Andy Davidson (LONAP / 2Connect)
07/09/2010, 10:30
Peter Ashwood-Smith (Huawei Technologies Canada)
07/09/2010, 11:00
Nathalie Trenaman (RIPE NCC)
07/09/2010, 11:40
Marco Hogewoning (XS4ALL)
07/09/2010, 12:00
Jim Reid (6UK)
07/09/2010, 13:30
Mr Matthew Ford (Internet Society)
07/09/2010, 13:45
Mr Matthew Ford (Internet Society)
07/09/2010, 14:00
Greg Choules (Ericsson)
07/09/2010, 14:15
Cliff Stanford (Might Limited)
07/09/2010, 14:30
Michael Fourman (Informatics@Edingburgh)
07/09/2010, 15:30
Mahesh Marina (Informatics@Edinburgh)
07/09/2010, 15:40
Markus Arnold (Flexoptix)
07/09/2010, 16:30
Mr Andy Davidson (LONAP / 2Connect)
07/09/2010, 16:50
Ian Meikle (Netsumo)
07/09/2010, 17:15