UKNOF is being closed down during 2024, and this site is now only active as an archive of previous events and presentations.

UKNOF31 (Manchester)

Charter 1, 2 & 3 (Manchester Central Convention Complex)

Charter 1, 2 & 3

Manchester Central Convention Complex

Petersfield Manchester M2 3GX
Keith Mitchell (UKNOF)

Participant Survey: (closes Tuesday, 5 May 2015)

Presentation Videos

Live Webcast: (now ended)

NOTE: Not all presentations may be broadcast and recorded.

IRC Chatroom:

Twitter hashtag: #UKNOF31

We are thankful to our sponsors for supporting UKNOF, enabling us to keep attendance at UKNOF meetings mainly free.



A10 Networks

Axians Networks

IX Reach



ADVA Optical
The Loop






Bogons        Portfast



Registration: Registrations are now closed.

Call for Presentations: Now closed.

Volunteers: We always appreciate volunteer help in setting up and running UKNOF events. If you're interested in helping at UKNOF31, please indicate this on the registration form. Our helpers always make a big difference.

Sponsors: Call for sponsors now closed.

If you are interested in supporting UKNOF, please contact us on


  • Abdulkareem Ali
  • Abhishek Kumar
  • Adam Priestley
  • Adrian Kennard
  • Ady Baker
  • Ahmed Abdelhalim
  • Alan Evans
  • Alasdair Dunnett
  • Alastair Rickey
  • Aled Morris
  • Alex Bloor
  • Alex Howells
  • Alistair Cockeram
  • Andrew Bays
  • Andrew Richards
  • Andrzej Wolski
  • Andy Davidson
  • Andy Murray
  • Andy Rawnsley
  • Anthony Magee
  • Anthony Ryan
  • Antony Thorley
  • Ashley Gregory
  • Ashley Griffiths
  • Barney Sowood
  • Barry Forde
  • Barry O'Donovan
  • Ben Arblaster
  • Ben Lessani
  • Ben Nicklin
  • Ben Ward
  • Benedicte Titley
  • Blandine Fitzgerald
  • Bob Kershaw
  • Bob Sleigh
  • Brandon Butterworth
  • Brandon Daly
  • Brendan Boyd
  • Brett Carr
  • Brian Nisbet
  • Catalin Dominte
  • Cathy Almond
  • Charlie Boisseau
  • Charlotte Booth
  • Chris Bagnall
  • Chris Byrd
  • Chris Orsman
  • Chris Piggott
  • Chris Russell
  • Clive Stone
  • Courteney Peter
  • Craig Aspey
  • Craig Blunden
  • Craig Brown
  • Craig Gallen
  • Dan Springett
  • Daniel Hadfield
  • Daniel Piekacz
  • Dariush Marsh-Mossadeghi
  • Darren McDonald
  • Dave Wilson
  • David Brebner
  • David Brook
  • David Cousins
  • David Farrell
  • David Freedman
  • David Pumford
  • David Richardson
  • David Rothera
  • David Whitaker
  • Dawn Devonald
  • Dean Krause
  • Debbie Casey
  • Denesh Bhabuta
  • Dimitrios Pezaros
  • Dmytro Karamshuk
  • Duncan Hughes
  • Duncan Lockwood
  • Edwin Punt
  • Emma Saunders
  • Eoin Jennings
  • Euan Galloway
  • Farhan Razzak
  • Fearghas McKay
  • Florian Hibler
  • Florian Obser
  • Gareth Llewellyn
  • Gavin Brown
  • Gemma Cameron
  • George Michaelson
  • Gian Walker
  • Gordon Dick
  • Greg Choules
  • Hal Ponton
  • Hamlesh Motah
  • Henry Merrett
  • Ian Goodall
  • Ian Meikle
  • Jack Davies
  • Jamaica Bloch
  • James Blessing
  • James Jeffries
  • Jamie Lesley
  • Javed Vohra
  • Jenness Tony
  • Jo Fereday
  • John Evans
  • John Mahon
  • Jon Dixon
  • Jon Quinn
  • Jonty Hewlett
  • Joseph Waite
  • Julia Edwards
  • Karl Austin
  • Kazuhiro Tsuchimoto
  • Keith Archer
  • Keith Mitchell
  • Kenneth Vance
  • Krassimir Tzvetanov
  • Kristian Van Der Vliet
  • Lance Davis
  • Lance Wright
  • Lee Hetherington
  • Liz Fletcher
  • Lizzi Long
  • Lou Ashtonhurst
  • Louis Richards
  • Luke Sheldrick
  • Marek Isalski
  • Mark Bailey
  • Mark Stokes
  • Mark Taplin
  • Mark Worden
  • Martin Clare
  • Martin Simmonds
  • Massimiliano Stucchi
  • Matt Dinham
  • Matt Hall
  • Matt Illingworth
  • Matt Mather
  • Matthew Hattersley
  • Matthew Keay
  • Matthew Walster
  • Matyas Prokop
  • Michael Achola
  • Michael Johnston
  • Michael Kennedy
  • Mike Grice
  • Mike Hughes
  • Mike Kelly
  • Mike Mitchell
  • Mike Wainwright
  • Mohit Lad
  • Mustafa Mohammed
  • Naomi Daly
  • Nat Morris
  • Neil Lathwood
  • Neil McRae
  • Neil Miller
  • Nick Bustin
  • Nicola Dux
  • Nicola Lee
  • Ollie Potts
  • Paul Creelman
  • Paul Dart
  • Paul OCallaghan
  • Paul Slattery
  • Paul Thornton
  • Pete Beynon
  • Peter Mills
  • Peter Stevens
  • Phil Sykes
  • Ralf Weber
  • Richard Halfpenny
  • Richard Heaviside
  • Richard Howson
  • Richard Irving
  • Richard Patterson
  • Richard Shaw
  • Richard Spragg
  • Richard Thompson
  • Rob Evans
  • Rob Greenwood
  • Rob Shakir
  • Robert Lee
  • Robert Lister
  • Robin Williams
  • Rohan Bhalerao
  • Ronan Mullally
  • Roy Friend
  • Russell Oldham
  • Ruth Plater
  • Sam McCallum
  • Samantha Pepper
  • Samuel Weller
  • Sean Maguire
  • Sevan Janiyan
  • Shane Mc Cormack
  • Simon Beevers
  • Simon Lockhart
  • Stephen Johnson
  • Steve Dyer
  • Steve Housego
  • Steve Lalonde
  • Steve Maloney
  • Steven Knighting
  • Steven McCrory
  • Sukhi Balu
  • Thomas Greer
  • Thomas Hutchinson
  • Thomas Weible
  • Tim Bray
  • Tim Chown
  • Tim Preston
  • Tom Bird
  • Tom Hill
  • Tony Holmes
  • Trefor Davies
  • Tudor Davies
  • Wayne Roberts
  • Will Hargrave
  • Yas Patel
    • 09:30
      Registration Charter Foyer

      Charter Foyer

      Manchester Central Convention Complex

      Petersfield Manchester M2 3GX
    • 1
      UKNOF31 Welcome Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Manchester Central Convention Complex

      Petersfield Manchester M2 3GX
      Speaker: Mr Keith Mitchell (UKNOF)
    • 2
      How to convince your boss of the value of UKNOF. Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Manchester Central Convention Complex

      Petersfield Manchester M2 3GX
      a short talk to highlight the value of UKNOF to ensure not just attendance but active participation.
      Speaker: Mr Neil McRae (BT)
      Presentation Video
    • 3
      DNS-based DDoS: Evolving Threat Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Manchester Central Convention Complex

      Petersfield Manchester M2 3GX
      Very recent changes in the intensity, duration and targets suggest continuing experimentation by attackers at the expense of DNS infrastructure worldwide. Drawing upon high resolution worldwide resolver data this presentation will cover changes in attack vectors. Tests of mitigation techniques will also be presented, comparing and contrasting alternatives.
      Speaker: Mr Ralf Weber (Nominum)
      Presentation Video
    • 4
      Tales of the unexpected revisited - handling unusual DNS client behaviour (the sequel) Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Manchester Central Convention Complex

      Petersfield Manchester M2 3GX
      Experiences of unusual DNS query patterns have been the focus of many recent talks that have examined the sources, targets and intent of this traffic, as well as the impact seen by authoritative servers and resolvers alike. Last year, ISC proposed and then started trialling experimental recursive client rate limiting techniques in BIND, with the intent of limiting the impact of this unwanted traffic on both servers and DNS clients alike. This talk briefly recaps some of the problems that can be encountered and then presents a review of the effectiveness of the techniques that were introduced, along with results from live production environments.
      Speaker: Ms Cathy Almond (Internet Systems Consortium)
      Presentation Video
    • 11:20
      Morning Coffee Break Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Manchester Central Convention Complex

      Petersfield Manchester M2 3GX
    • 5
      IX Manchester Lightning update Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Manchester Central Convention Complex

      Petersfield Manchester M2 3GX
      A brief overview on the developments being made in and around the IX Manchester peering exchange. A brief bullet pointed list of things I will discuss will include: - Exchange growth - New PoP sites - Current issues and projections - Quick Q&A (note no slide deck)
      Speaker: Mr Matthew Hattersley (IX Manchester Steering Committee / Talk Straight Group Ltd)
      Presentation Video
    • 6
      Grant money doesn't buy you happiness Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Manchester Central Convention Complex

      Petersfield Manchester M2 3GX
      Back in October 2013 a group of interested individuals met at the Millenium Center in Cardiff to discuss the possibility of starting a Welsh IXP. Plans developed and LINX along with Cardiff City Council and the DCMS discussed opening an exchange within BT Stadium House. Independently of LINX, the local city council offered grants of up to 20k to connect to the exchange, this was intended to cover the costs of routers and associated PoP build out fees. Currently only 2 of the 21 IXCardiff members ASNs existed prior to the grant being announced. This talk will highlight: - traffic levels - number of ASNs behind the same 2 local transit providers - prefixes shared on the same LIR - members with the same registered limited companies directors - how throwing money at a problem does not fix it 15 minutes, this is with my ESGOB Ltd hat on.
      Speaker: Mr Nat Morris (UKNOF/Esgob)
    • 7
      On Factors Affecting the Usage and Adoption of a Nation-wide TV Streaming Service Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Manchester Central Convention Complex

      Petersfield Manchester M2 3GX
      Using nine months of access logs comprising 1.9 Billion sessions to BBC iPlayer, we survey the UK ISP ecosystem to understand the factors affecting adoption and usage of a high bandwidth TV streaming application across different providers. We find evidence that connection speeds are important and that external events can have a huge impact for live TV usage. Then, through a temporal analysis of the access logs, we demonstrate that data usage caps imposed by mobile ISPs significantly affect usage patterns, and look for solutions. We show that product bundle discounts with a related fixed-line ISP, a strategy already employed by some mobile providers, can better support user needs and capture a bigger share of accesses. We observe that users regularly split their sessions between mobile and fixed-line connections, suggesting a straightforward strategy for offloading by speculatively pre-fetching content from a fixed-line ISP before access on mobile devices.
      Speaker: Dr Dmytro Karamshuk (King's College London)
      Presentation Video
    • 8
      Some Thoughts on Network Automation Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Manchester Central Convention Complex

      Petersfield Manchester M2 3GX
      Speaker: Mr Andy Davidson (IIX)
      Presentation Video
    • 12:40
      Lunch Break Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Manchester Central Convention Complex

      Petersfield Manchester M2 3GX
    • 9
      PGP Signing Session The Gallery (outside Charter Suite)

      The Gallery (outside Charter Suite)

      Manchester Central Convention Complex

      Petersfield Manchester M2 3GX
      Speaker: Mr Matthew Walster (LMAX Exchange)
    • 10
      Group Photo Shoot Outdoor Entrance Stairway

      Outdoor Entrance Stairway

      Manchester Central Convention Complex

      Petersfield Manchester M2 3GX
      Join the big UKNOF Group shot ! Meet on the stairs outside the venue
      Speaker: Mr Keith Mitchell (UKNOF)
    • 11
      BT and TalkTalk L2TP Experiences Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Manchester Central Convention Complex

      Petersfield Manchester M2 3GX
      Technical: Host links Backhaul (congestion?) Tails (DLM, margins, etc) XML, APIs and portals FTTC Commercial: Host links Bandwidth Lines (this has to be a big vague sadly, but we can cover the main points) Faults Diagnostics SFI and engineer visits Billing SFI! and disputes WBBF Not a forum to compete with UKNOF or LINX Fixing BT and TT over SFI and engineers Working with BT and TT to improve services
      Speaker: Mr Adrian Kennard (AAISP)
      Presentation Video
    • 12
      G.Fast and NGA2 Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Manchester Central Convention Complex

      Petersfield Manchester M2 3GX
      More information on what BT is doing with G.Fast and its ultrafast broadband roll out delivering hundreds of megabits a second over copper.
      Speaker: Mr Neil McRae (BT)
      Presentation Video
    • 13
      AS112 Operations and Surveys Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Manchester Central Convention Complex

      Petersfield Manchester M2 3GX
      AS112 is a co-operatively operated DNS anycast cloud which acts as a sink for junk queries to non-public IP address space. This presentation is an overview of current AS112 happenings as well as the latest survey of detected AS112 nodes with a focus on research networks and AS112, together which some new findings from analysis of AS112 data.
      Speaker: Mr Keith Mitchell (UKNOF)
      Presentation Video
    • 14
      Distributed Prevention of DDoS Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Manchester Central Convention Complex

      Petersfield Manchester M2 3GX
      Sponsor Presentation
      Speaker: Andrew Bays (A10 Networks)
      Presentation Video
    • 15:30
      Afternoon Coffee Break The Gallery (outside Charter Suite)

      The Gallery (outside Charter Suite)

      Manchester Central Convention Complex

      Petersfield Manchester M2 3GX
    • 15
      Counting the world with skewed samples: how APNIC adusts its measurements Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Manchester Central Convention Complex

      Petersfield Manchester M2 3GX
      APNIC has been conducting a long lived (5 year) measurement activity using google ads and javascript placements worldwide. We collect over 700,000 experiments a day from end users. The sampling is random, but has placement bias. So, we've developed methods of adjusting for this using world population stats. A side effect of this is that we may now have one of the only public insights into relative market share in the ISP community worldwide, and inside each economy.
      Speaker: Mr George Michaelson (APNIC)
      Presentation Video
    • 16
      FFO - fracking fiber optic Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Manchester Central Convention Complex

      Petersfield Manchester M2 3GX
      LC plugs are not the only ones now that we have QSFP+. Should you use MPO or MTP. What about ST, LC, SC, E2000 or the new LC Uniboot plugs ? What are the compromises and benefits of each solution. Did you know that polarity in optical MPO matters ? And why the polish of a plug can cause headaches during on-site installation. Thomas will give an overview of the connectors and fibre options in the datacentre now we have 40G and 100G as standards. Especially for parallel transmission applications you should consider rethinking your wiring if you don’t want to get stuck in troubleshooting your links. Finally some practical examples of broken optical components after and during field installation – real cases which happen every day even in 2015 when fibre optic is a commodity. Duration: 25-30 minutes
      Speaker: Thomas Weible (Flexoptix GmbH)
      Presentation Video
    • 17
      Catastrophic Unplanned Success Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Charter 1, 2 & 3

      Manchester Central Convention Complex

      Petersfield Manchester M2 3GX
      Very quickly building and upgrading platforms to support some high profile sites using entirely open source technologies, a shoestring budget and why at busy times internal traffic within Mythic Beasts is more likely to be IPv6 than IPv4.
      Speaker: Mr Peter Stevens (Mythic Beasts)
      Presentation Video