virtualUKNOF May 2020
Monday, 11 May 2020 -
Monday, 11 May 2020
Introduction and Welcome
Keith Mitchell
Introduction and Welcome
Keith Mitchell
14:30 - 14:35
Building out to London during a Crisis
Marek Isalski
Faelix Limited
Building out to London during a Crisis
(Main Session)
Marek Isalski
Faelix Limited
14:40 - 14:55
Two weeks after the first rack got handed over: lockdown. We talk about the challenges we have faced (and still are facing) during our build to three datacentre sites in London: contracting for racks, getting infrastructure to put in them, linking back to our Manchester network, ordering dark fibre, and working with customers. Contents of this talk may contain moose and/or mousse.
Failure is not an option- Seventeen days in Spring - Teamwork Beyond Limits and the coming of age of the Internet
Neil McRae
Failure is not an option- Seventeen days in Spring - Teamwork Beyond Limits and the coming of age of the Internet
(Main Session)
Neil McRae
14:55 - 15:10
on the 50th anniversary of Apollo XIII - Houston - a code name for crisis response becomes real. This is the story of people doing what they always do - working beyond limits; at BT delivering for the country and for the whole planet and the story of determination to show that the Internet continues to change our lives in ways none of us ever imagined...
Analysis of the Effects of COVID-19-Related Lockdowns on IMRS Traffic
Roy Arends
Analysis of the Effects of COVID-19-Related Lockdowns on IMRS Traffic
(Main Session)
Roy Arends
15:10 - 15:25
Restrictions during COVID-19-related lockdowns are expected to have a limited, but noticeable effect on the Domain Name System (DNS) traffic at ICANN Managed Root Servers (IMRS). ICANN’s Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO) has studied the impact of a nationwide lockdown in France on changes in both traffic volume and composition to the four IMRS instances in France. The lockdown in France started 17 March 2020 (week 12 of 2020). Traffic statistics for this week showed a 28% increase compared to the average of the previous 6 weeks. The largest category, about one-third of all requests, originated from Chromium browsers. The largest percentage increase came from popular nonexistent TLDs (.corp, .home, .lan and .local). This increase in DNS traffic can be observed overall and the fact that no issues have arisen suggests that the DNS architecture is well suited to scale during remote work and increased use at home.
Running a Global IXP in a Lockdown World
Mike Hellers
Network Manager
Running a Global IXP in a Lockdown World
(Main Session)
Mike Hellers
Network Manager
15:25 - 15:40
2020 has been a year like no other for LINX, its members and the wider telecoms and peering community. In this presentation LINX Network Manager, Mike Hellers, covers the fluctuation of LINX's traffic from before COVID-19 outbreak, the new traffic peaks post-lockdown, to where traffic is now. Mike also assesses how things have changed with port orders since the pandemic began and how LINX is handling operations today.
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes!
Simon Gunton
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes!
(Main Session)
Simon Gunton
15:40 - 15:55
A story of team building and learning from an operational team who used a computer game to simulate live issues. Building communication skills and how you overcome obstacles, especially when you are all working remotely over video calling. How do people act and handle themselves? You all know what the problem is, you know roughly how to get there, but can you make it all come together before the clock strikes zero?
7 Things that Just Got Better Because of COVID-19
Susan Forney
Hurricane Electric
7 Things that Just Got Better Because of COVID-19
(Main Session)
Susan Forney
Hurricane Electric
15:55 - 16:10
This presentation looks at 7 things that improved either during or as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Wrap-up, Future Events
Keith Mitchell
Wrap-up, Future Events
Keith Mitchell
16:10 - 16:15