UKNOF closed down during 2024, and this site is now only active as an archive of previous events and presentations.

17 January 2018
etc Venues Bishopsgate
Europe/London timezone

IPv6 Deployment Survey and BCOP

17 Jan 2018, 16:30
Broadgate 1 & 2 (etc Venues Bishopsgate)

Broadgate 1 & 2

etc Venues Bishopsgate

155 Bishopsgate Liverpool Street London EC2M 3YD
Main Session


Mr Jordi Palet Martinez (The IPv6 Company)


This presentation will introduce the results of the Global IPv6 Deployment Survey started about 2 years before the event is taking place.


The intend of this survey was to understand some technical details about how IPv6 is being deployed worldwide in residential networks.

The presentation also explains what is the evolution since the survey started, depicting details which are different among countries/regions.

Furthermore, a short summary of the RIPE IPv6 Best Current Operational Practices for customers, will confirm the survey and the expected trends on the IPv6 deployment.

Talk Duration 30 minutes
May we webcast & record the talk? Yes
May we publish the slides on our website? Yes

Primary author

Mr Jordi Palet Martinez (The IPv6 Company)

Presentation materials