UKNOF is being closed down during 2024, and this site is now only active as an archive of previous events and presentations.

11 September 2018
Edinburgh International Conference Centre
Europe/London timezone

It's DNS Jim, but not as we know it!

11 Sept 2018, 15:10
Lomond Suite (Edinburgh International Conference Centre)

Lomond Suite

Edinburgh International Conference Centre

The Exchange Edinburgh 150 Morrison Street Edinburgh EH3 8EE
Main Session


Sara Dickinson (Sinodun IT)


This talk will explore the most recent evolutions in how end-device DNS resolution is being done including new encrypted transports and DNS resolution directly from applications. The talk will provide an overview of the recent work on the both the DNS-over-TLS and DoH (DNS-over-HTTPS) protocols at the IETF. It will then summarise the recent implementations in OS's, applications and on mobile platforms and review existing large scale deployments. The talk will attempt to present considerations for network operators as the deployment of encrypted transports for DNS increases. Alongside this, the talk will also explore the potential implications of applications starting to perform DNS lookups directly, in some cases to 'preferred resolvers' (e.g. Firefox are experimenting with DoH in the browser sending queries to Cloudflare).
Talk Duration 30 minutes
May we live webcast the talk?<br />(recordings will be available publicly online) Yes
May we publish the slides on our website? Yes
Your consent for us to publish your name and<br />affiliation as a Speaker on the UKNOF41 website Yes

Primary author

Sara Dickinson (Sinodun IT)

Presentation materials