UKNOF is being closed down during 2024, and this site is now only active as an archive of previous events and presentations.

18–19 Nov 2021
Europe/London timezone

TreeDN: Tree-based CDNs for Live Streaming to Mass Audiences

18 Nov 2021, 16:45
Charter 1, 2, 3 ( )

Charter 1, 2, 3

Windmill St, Manchester M2 3GX, United Kingdom
Standard Presentation Main Session


Lenny Giuliano (Juniper Networks)


In the late 90's, there was much excitement and exuberance over the potential of Internet Multicast. Today, interest in Internet Multicast is perhaps at an all-time low despite the fact we may be approaching an inflection point of demand fueled by an explosion of live streaming audiences sizes, increasing bitrates from 4K/8K/AR and a greater dependence on the network since the start of the COVID pandemic. In this presentation, we will examine a brief history of Internet Multicast and what went wrong in the past. We will discuss recent architectural developments such as AMT and ASM Deprecation, that eliminate the fundamental issues that made deployment so challenging in the past, and pave the way for the TreeDN architecture that network operators can offer to their customers to support live streaming to mass audiences at a fraction the cost of traditional, unicast CDNs. Finally, we will show how TreeDN is not just a hopeful promise for the distant future, but available and in use today.

Talk Duration 25 Minutes Presentation (+5 Minutes Q&A)
Presentation delivery Remotely / pre-recorded (you will need to appear live on screen for Q&A)
Your consent for us to publish your name and affiliation as a Speaker on the UKNOF48 website Yes

Primary author

Lenny Giuliano (Juniper Networks)

Presentation materials