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8–9 Sept 2014
Assembly Buildings
Europe/London timezone

Options for Metro 100Gig

8 Sept 2014, 14:40
Assembly Buildings

Assembly Buildings

2-10 Fisherwick Place Great Victoria Street Belfast Antrim BT1 6DW


Mrs Susmita Adhikari (Cube Optics)


Agenda Overview Metro 100G market Optical Transmission windows Options 100G LR4 100G DWDM Coherent 100G DWDM Direct detect Examples Some test results


Metro 100Gig is growing at an incredible rate. The aim of the presentation is to highlight the various options available for 100G pluggable optics.

Three methods currently exist;
100G LR4
100G DWDM Coherent
100G DWDM Direct detect

We will examine each option and suggest pro's and cons for each.

This is an overview only, actual support of 100Gig options will be vendor and product dependent.

Primary author

Mr Steve Jones (Cube Optics)


Mrs Susmita Adhikari (Cube Optics)

Presentation materials