UKNOF closed down during 2024, and this site is now only active as an archive of previous events and presentations.

22 January 2015
etc Venues Bishopsgate
Europe/London timezone

Open-IX: Beyond Year One

22 Jan 2015, 13:50
etc Venues Bishopsgate

etc Venues Bishopsgate

155 Bishopsgate Liverpool Street London EC2M 3YD
Main Session


Mr Keith Mitchell (UKNOF)


In its first full year of operation, the Open-IX Association has defined 2 key new open standards for Internet Exchange and Data Centre operators to help encourage a more "European like" interconnect ecosystem in North America, leading to the OIX certification of more than 20 locations. The certification process has recently been opened to interested parties worldwide. This talk will report on Open-IX's model and progress to date, and explore its relevance to peering and interconnect in Europe.

Primary author

Mr Keith Mitchell (UKNOF)

Presentation materials