UKNOF is being closed down during 2024, and this site is now only active as an archive of previous events and presentations.

UKNOF35 (Glasgow)

The Technical and Innovation Centre

The Technical and Innovation Centre

University of Strathclyde 99 George Street Glasgow G1 1RD
Keith Mitchell (UKNOF)

Participant Survey: (until & incl. Sunday 25 September 2016)

Presentation Videos:


UKNOF is traveling to Glasgow - the largest city in Scotland - for UKNOF35!

UKNOF35 takes place from the afternoon of 8 September and ends at lunchtime on 9 September and offers an OPEN environment to anyone interested in networking with industry players, participating in knowledge sharing and freshening up on best practice for network operations and security.

Glasgow City will also host a Civic Reception during the evening of 7 September to welcome UKNOF and delegates to the city.

Social Media hashtag: #UKNOF35

We are thankful to our sponsors for supporting UKNOF, enabling us to keep attendance at UKNOF meetings mainly free.





Alternative Networks     IPv4 Market group     RIPE NCC     Stream Technologies     ThousandEyes


EPS Global     Fluency     PowerDNS     SureVoIP


Bogons       Bytemark      Jump Networks     Portfast     

PINTS N' PACKETS Networking Event



Glasgow Coat of Arms


Registration: will open on Thursday 21 April 2016

Call for Presentations: is now closed

Webcast: (now ended)

IRC Chatroom:

Twitter hashtag: #UKNOF35

Volunteers: We always appreciate volunteer help in setting up and running UKNOF events. If you're interested in helping at UKNOF35, please indicate this on the registration form. Our helpers always make a big difference.

Sponsors: We have the following sponsor opportunities for UKNOF35, 2016 and meetings in 2017:

  • Meeting Sponsorships
  • UKNOF Social / Pints n' Packets Sponsorships
  • Individual and Organisation Patron Sponsorships for 2016 and 2017

Further details in our Call for Sponsors page. We are grateful to our sponsors, enabling us to keep attendance at the meeting mainly free.

If you are interested in supporting UKNOF, please contact us on


  • Aaron Dron
  • Abdulkareem Ali
  • Adrian Patterson
  • Alan Wilson
  • Aled Morris
  • Alistair Mackenzie
  • Andrew Bell
  • Andrew Butler
  • Andrew Nicks
  • Andy Hunter
  • Andy Rawnsley
  • Angus Campbell
  • Anthony Turner
  • Arthur Clune
  • Barney Sowood
  • Barry O'Donovan
  • Ben Carter
  • Benjamin Howe
  • Bernard McIntosh
  • Bert Hubert
  • Bob Sleigh
  • Bostjan Skufca
  • Brandon Butterworth
  • Brendan Minish
  • Brett Carr
  • Brian Nisbet
  • Brian Ross
  • Brian Turbey
  • Brian Wilson
  • Calum Stiven
  • Caroline Morris
  • Cathy Almond
  • Charlie Boisseau
  • Chris Bagnall
  • Chris Edwards
  • Chris MacGregor
  • Chris Russell
  • Ciara McCarthy
  • Colin Cheung
  • Colin Cooper
  • Colin Henderson
  • Colin Perkins
  • Colin Petrie
  • Colin Silcock
  • Colin Woods
  • Craig Aitchison
  • Craig Gallen
  • Craig Taylor
  • Darren O'Connor
  • Dave Page
  • David Farrell
  • David Freedman
  • David Johnston
  • David Munro
  • David Rothera
  • David Whitaker
  • Davide Pinato
  • Debbie Casey
  • Denesh Bhabuta
  • Denis Nolan
  • Dennis Jewth
  • Dimitrios Pezaros
  • Dirk De Vos
  • Dominik Nowacki
  • Donal Cunningham
  • Duncan Kennedy
  • Duncan Lockwood
  • Edwin Punt
  • Erin Murphy
  • Euan Galloway
  • Fearghas McKay
  • Ferenc Csorba
  • Firoj Rauta
  • Gary Law
  • Gavin Henry
  • Geof Bosworth
  • Giles Heron
  • Greg Choules
  • Halil Kama
  • Harry Reeder
  • Ian Batten
  • Ian Levy
  • Ilia Davidenko
  • Jamaica Bloch
  • James Blest
  • James Cumming
  • James Cuthbertson
  • James Shields
  • James Slater
  • James Sweet
  • James Whitnall
  • Jamie Hosker
  • Jamie Lesley
  • Jamie MacIsaac
  • Javed Mirza
  • Javed Vohra
  • Jerry Briant
  • Jethro Binks
  • Jim Reid
  • John Bretherick
  • John Mahon
  • John McSorley
  • Jon Starling
  • Jonathan Quinn
  • Jonathan Ruano
  • Josh Kirkwood
  • Katrina Smith
  • Keeran Marquis
  • Keith Mitchell
  • Kurt Erik Lindqvist
  • Lance Wright
  • Laszlo Fintor
  • Lee Hetherington
  • Liz Stevens
  • Lou Ashtonhurst
  • Lucie Usher
  • Malcolm Booden
  • Marcus Stoegbauer
  • Marek Isalski
  • Mark Basham
  • Mark Culverhouse
  • Mark Downey
  • Mark Fordyce
  • Mark Taplin
  • Mark Vevers
  • Marwan Fayed
  • Massimiliano Stucchi
  • Massimo Biava
  • Mat Ford
  • Mat Hattersley
  • Matt Dinham
  • Matt Wilson
  • Melissa Jenkins
  • Miah Gregory
  • Michael Downs
  • Mick O'Donovan
  • Mike Hughes
  • Morteza Kheirkhah
  • Myungjin Lee
  • Naomi Kurokawa
  • Neil Christie
  • Neil McRae
  • Neil Miller
  • Neil Morris
  • Neil Strachan
  • Nicholas Hart
  • Nicholas Humfrey
  • Nick Ryce
  • Nick Shorey
  • Nico Cartron
  • Nicola Dux
  • Nicola Lee
  • Nicola Maxwell
  • Næþ'n Lasseter
  • Paul Cairney
  • Paul Dart
  • Paul Ebersman
  • Paul Jakma
  • Paul Lawrence
  • Paul Thornton
  • Paul Tweedy
  • Pete Cladingbowl
  • Peter Buneman
  • Peter Cutler
  • Peter Hessler
  • Peter Kinnaird
  • Peter Stanier
  • Peter Stevens
  • Philip Corbishley
  • Posco Tso
  • Ray Bellis
  • Rebecca Smiley
  • Redacted Redacted
  • Richard Cziva
  • Richard Harris
  • Richard Leech
  • Richard Morrell
  • Richard Sheehan
  • Rob Evans
  • Rob Gordon
  • Rob Lister
  • Robert Atkinson
  • Robert Lazzurs
  • Robert Speed
  • Robin M. Crorie
  • Robin Williams
  • Roderick Gillies
  • Ronan Mullally
  • Ross McLachlan
  • Russell Cassidy
  • Ryan Benson
  • Ryan Dunn
  • Sando Anoff
  • Sandra Brown
  • Sean Newman
  • Shani Latif
  • Sharon Thomas
  • Simon Ironside
  • Simon Lockhart
  • SM Rathinakumar
  • Sofia Alvarez
  • Sonia Panchen
  • Sreenath Kamatham
  • Stephen Maloney
  • Stephen McQuistin
  • Stephen Morris
  • Steve Carbery
  • Steve Delaney
  • Steve Dyer
  • Steve Jones
  • Steve Lalonde
  • Steve Seymour
  • Steven Axon
  • Stuart Johnston
  • Stuart Paton
  • Stuart Paton
  • Stuart Steele
  • Subhi Hashwa
  • Tim Anker
  • Tim Chown
  • Toby Goodwin
  • Tom Bird
  • Tom Coffeen
  • Tom Hill
  • Tony Pearson
  • Tony Thorley
  • Trefor Davies
  • Veronika McKillop
  • Viktor Kaup
  • William Buchanan
  • William Waites
  • Willie Black
  • Yas Patel
    • 18:00 19:00
      Glasgow Lord Provost Civic Reception - UKNOF35 Welcome Reception 1h Glasgow City Chambers

      Glasgow City Chambers

      Invited to this event:
      UKNOF35 delegates
      Glasgow RIPE training course attendees
      IX Scotland delegates

    • 12:00 13:30
      Lunch 1h 30m Level 2 Foyer

      Level 2 Foyer

      The Technical and Innovation Centre

      University of Strathclyde 99 George Street Glasgow G1 1RD

      For UKNOF35 Delegates only. UKNOF35 Delegate badge will need to be worn.

    • 12:00 12:30
      Registration 30m Level 2 Foyer

      Level 2 Foyer

      The Technical and Innovation Centre

      University of Strathclyde 99 George Street Glasgow G1 1RD
    • 13:25 13:30
      Introduction 5m
      Speaker: Mr Keith Mitchell (UKNOF)
    • 13:30 14:00
      A day in the life of government cyber security 30m
      Ian Levy is Technical Director of the UK's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC). The NCSC's mission is to help ensure that the people, public and private sector organisations and the critical national infrastructure of the UK are safer online. The NCSC seeks to adopt structured consultation with the private sector. Our objectives are to raise awareness of government intent; undertake genuine dialogue that shapes service delivery; demonstrate serious commitment to listen; and develop sustainable engagement channels. This will be done by informing the entire business community and public sector about emerging threats, providing support when attacks happen and educating everyone on how best to stay safe online. (Please note this presentation will not be webcast or recorded)
      Speaker: Dr Ian Levy (UK Government)
    • 14:00 14:30
      vSoC: Advanced Virtualised Security Operations Centre for Training and Research 30m Main Auditorium

      Main Auditorium

      The Technical and Innovation Centre

      University of Strathclyde 99 George Street Glasgow G1 1RD
      This presentation outlines the creation of a virtualised security operations centre (vSoC) in order to create a virtualised environment which mirrors a real-life networked infrastructure. It integrates logging and intrusion detection systems into a SIEM infrastructure, such as using HPE ArcSight, Splunk and RSA SA. This allows for security analysts to train within a safe environment, while supporting the opportunity for researchers and SMEs to evaluate their methods within a real-life infrastructure. The presentation will also showcase the integration of CTF (Capture The Flag) and Red v Blue activities, and how these are being used to stimulate engagement and provide an enhanced learning environment. Along with this the design will be outlined, including the usage of SDN and Cloud technology to provide the delivery of the training infrastructure.
      Speaker: Prof. William Buchanan (Edinburgh Napier University)
      Presentation Video
    • 14:30 15:00
      From the action to the eyeball. Deploy and launch UHD/4K in four months 30m Main Auditorium

      Main Auditorium

      The Technical and Innovation Centre

      University of Strathclyde 99 George Street Glasgow G1 1RD
      Last year BT became the first broadcaster to launch a 4K TV service in Europe (and one of the first globally) This presentation covers the work and challenges required to deliver the end to end solution including cameras, outside broadcasting, studio, set top box and backbone network deployment to enable what was a successful launch of a 4K TV service.
      Speaker: Mr Neil McRae (BT)
      Presentation Video
    • 15:00 15:20
      UKNOF Annual Update 20m Main Auditorium

      Main Auditorium

      The Technical and Innovation Centre

      University of Strathclyde 99 George Street Glasgow G1 1RD
      UKNOF meetings don't happen without the committed support of many team members, volunteers, sponsors and other supporters. This presentation is our quick annual update on how UKNOF works behind the scenes, some figures and graphs, and what we've been doing to develop our events & evolve the organisation.
      Speaker: Mr Keith Mitchell (UKNOF)
      Presentation Video
    • 15:20 15:30
      Modern Sub-Saturating DDoS Attacks - the Silent Bandwidth Thief (Sponsor Presentation) 10m Main Auditorium

      Main Auditorium

      The Technical and Innovation Centre

      University of Strathclyde 99 George Street Glasgow G1 1RD
      The threat landscape is evolving at an unprecedented rate - attackers are better educated, well-funded, and relentless in the pursuit of their goals. But, some things never change, the bad guys will always take the easiest path to the money. Learn how the latest trend could be negatively impacting your network and its profitability.
      Speaker: Mr Sean Newman (Corero)
      Presentation Video
    • 15:30 16:00
      Afternoon Coffee Break 30m Level 2 Foyer

      Level 2 Foyer

      The Technical and Innovation Centre

      University of Strathclyde 99 George Street Glasgow G1 1RD
    • 15:30 16:00
      PGP Signing Session 301


      The Technical and Innovation Centre

      University of Strathclyde 99 George Street Glasgow G1 1RD
      Convener: Fearghas McKay (Flexoptix GmbH // UKNOF)
    • 16:00 16:30
      DevOps: Is it any use to Network Operations? 30m Main Auditorium

      Main Auditorium

      The Technical and Innovation Centre

      University of Strathclyde 99 George Street Glasgow G1 1RD
      There's been a lot of both hype and real progress in the way development and operations interact, grouped under the DevOps banner. Changes have come in tooling, procedures and culture. There's been a lot of hype as well, but in many organisations it's changed the way developers and operations work. This talk will explain the history of this movement and discuss if any of the ideas are of use to network operations.
      Speaker: Dr Arthur Clune (University of York)
      Presentation Video
    • 16:30 17:00
      Oh f$*k I think I'm running a software company 30m Main Auditorium

      Main Auditorium

      The Technical and Innovation Centre

      University of Strathclyde 99 George Street Glasgow G1 1RD
      Marc Andreessen famously quipped "Software is eating the world". This is absolutely true of networking companies today with a huge amount of excitement around tooling, automation, APIs and orchestration. Over the past two years LINX have built a software department from scratch and have gone from a fairly vast array of unmanaged scripts to carefully version-controlled code, automated tests and builds, and deployment to infrastructure managed with Ansible. We've learned a lot along the way, and wish to share our experiences, pain points, and plans for the future, including our approach to automating network configuration.
      Speaker: Mr Colin Silcock (London Internet Exchange Ltd)
      Presentation Video
    • 17:00 17:30
      sBGP: A hybrid SDN approach to interdomain routing 30m Main Auditorium

      Main Auditorium

      The Technical and Innovation Centre

      University of Strathclyde 99 George Street Glasgow G1 1RD
      This presentation is based on my PhD thesis topic - ‘sBGP: A hybrid SDN approach to interdomain routing’. It places current SDN research work in the context of today’s challenges in core internet routing, starting with a _very_ quick introduction to the principles of SDN, then briefly introducing some current projects (ONF/Atrium, OpenDaylight) which are aimed at applying SDN principles to BGP/core routing, before moving onto discuss the practical limitations as well as limited ambition of these projects. I then move onto an outline of my proposal, including a discussion of previous work in the field, and an explanation of what I think are the novel aspects of my proposal. Finally, I outline some of the possible benefits of my approach and discuss the crucial practical question of how my work could be applied in large scale production networks. I hope to generate sufficient interest that I may be able to persuade one or more transit network operators to collaborate in my work.
      Speaker: Mr Nicholas Hart (Lancaster University)
      Presentation Video
    • 18:00 20:00
      Pints n' Packets Networking Drinks 2h Level 2 Foyer

      Level 2 Foyer

      You will need to be registered as a UKNOF35 Delegate and wear your UKNOF35 Badge to attend this event - an informal get together to share a couple of drinks with your industry peers before you head off for dinner.

    • 09:00 09:30
      Registration 30m Level 2 Foyer

      Level 2 Foyer

      The Technical and Innovation Centre

      University of Strathclyde 99 George Street Glasgow G1 1RD
    • 09:30 10:00
      The Top 5 Things You need to keep in Mind when preparing your IPv6 Addressing Plan 30m Main Auditorium

      Main Auditorium

      The Technical and Innovation Centre

      University of Strathclyde 99 George Street Glasgow G1 1RD
      One of the first steps in an IPv6 deployment project is to obtain an IPv6 prefix for your organisation and create an IPv6 addressing plan. Thanks to the growth of IPv6 deployment globally, there is more experience and new best practices are created that can assist with such a task.
      Speakers: Mrs McKillop Veronika (President of UK IPv6 Council), Tom Coffeen (Infoblox)
      Presentation Video
    • 10:00 10:30
      DNSSEC: Is the juice worth the squeeze? 30m Main Auditorium

      Main Auditorium

      The Technical and Innovation Centre

      University of Strathclyde 99 George Street Glasgow G1 1RD
      DNSSEC is an important piece of securing your internet presence. But getting your zones initially set up and keeping them working can be very challenging. Is it really worth all the hassle? I'll be covering the issues with both signing and validating. I'll also talk about what security this does and doesn't give you, as well as other things, such as DANE, that having DNSSEC signed zones gives you.
      Speaker: Paul Ebersman (self)
      Presentation Video
    • 10:30 11:00
      Morning Coffee Break 30m Level 2 Foyer

      Level 2 Foyer

      The Technical and Innovation Centre

      University of Strathclyde 99 George Street Glasgow G1 1RD
    • 11:00 11:30
      Network Monitoring at Facebook Scale 30m Main Auditorium

      Main Auditorium

      The Technical and Innovation Centre

      University of Strathclyde 99 George Street Glasgow G1 1RD
      Facebook operates one of the largest CLOS based datacenter networks in the world, which means lots of commodity network devices and thousands of potential of ECMP paths from one server to another. This talk will explain how facebook detects loss between servers in our datacenters and how we analyze that loss to try and pin-point specific network links or network devices.
      Speaker: Mr Richard Sheehan (Facebook)
      Presentation Video
    • 11:30 12:00
      Replacing your 7600s. What to do next? 30m Main Auditorium

      Main Auditorium

      The Technical and Innovation Centre

      University of Strathclyde 99 George Street Glasgow G1 1RD
      Many networks will have made use of a Cisco 7600 (or 6500) in the last 10-15 years. Now that they really are coming to the end of their useful life, where do we go from here? This is an overview of what Bytemark evaluated, what we've done, and some wisdom we've gleaned along the way. N.B. This an updated talk of the original from IXM7.
      Speaker: Tom Hill (Bytemark Hosting)
      Presentation Video
    • 12:00 12:30
      WHIX - Collaborative Network Infrastructure on Scotland's West Coast 30m Main Auditorium

      Main Auditorium

      The Technical and Innovation Centre

      University of Strathclyde 99 George Street Glasgow G1 1RD
      Social, economic and political forces mean community networks are generally small. Fortunately on the West Coast of Scotland they are not isolated! A contiguous confederation of tiny ISPs stretches from Mull to Applecross and beyond. Sufficiently many networks exist that creating an IXP is desirable. They are, however, dispersed so such an IXP must be distributed. This talk is about how we built just that, WCIX, a distributed Internet Exchange on Scotland's West Coast.
      Speaker: William Waites (HUBS / University of Edinburgh)
      Presentation Video
    • 13:30 15:00
      Convener: Dr Willie Black (UKNOF)