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19 January 2017
etc Venues Bishopsgate
Europe/London timezone

Evolving the Transport-Layer

19 Jan 2017, 12:15
etc Venues Bishopsgate

etc Venues Bishopsgate

155 Bishopsgate Liverpool Street London EC2M 3YD
Main Session


Mr Stephen McQuistin (University of Glasgow)


Many applications would benefit from a richer set of services than is provided by TCP and UDP. Ossification makes it difficult to develop novel protocols, restricting solutions to using widely-deployed protocols as substrates. In this talk, I'll outline our broad approach to transport-layer evolution, and introduce TCP Hollywood as an example. Further, I'll appeal to network operators for help in understanding their middlebox deployments, and how these might impact transport-layer evolution.

Primary authors

Dr Colin Perkins (University of Glasgow) Dr Marwan Fayed (University of Stirling) Mr Stephen McQuistin (University of Glasgow)

Presentation materials