UKNOF closed down during 2024, and this site is now only active as an archive of previous events and presentations.

12 September 2017
Holiday Inn Royal Victoria Sheffield
Europe/London timezone

Living in a van means Lean as a lifestyle

12 Sept 2017, 17:30
Ballroom (Holiday Inn Royal Victoria Sheffield)


Holiday Inn Royal Victoria Sheffield

Station Road, Sheffield, S4 7YE
Lightning Talks


Tim Dobson (Formisimo)


Talk in a nutshell: - WHY?! * List item * found riskiest assumption * sought to test it as cheaply and quickly as possible * Built MLP * reflection: MLP was wrong MLP * How "Jobs To Be Done" can be used to help you figure out what you can outsource (cheap) & what you need to build (expensive) * eg washing machine in van = very expensive engineering challenge to test the hypothesis vs "I have a regular need for clean clothes" -> outsourcing to laundrette now a possibility. The slides will be mainly van based photos from [here][1]. For UKNOF, I might add some comments about my van-networking stack and mobile data, though it's painfully simple. :) [1]:


Two years ago, Tim decided there wasn’t enough problem-solving in his life, so he thought he’d redesign his home from scratch. In a van.
Through stories, Tim will share the techniques he used to work out what to build, how to build it and the mistakes he made along the way.

Speaker Bio:
Tim @tdobson of Formisimo could talk to you about trekking to
unclimbed mountains in Central Asia. He could help you imagine what it’s like to stand in a general election or pitch to YCombinator.

He could tell you how to move migrate your websites or sell more
widgets. But that’s not what you came to listen to. After spending many years of his life living in legacy accommodation, in 2015, Tim, took a month off work, converted a van and moved into it. He hasn’t looked back since (no rearview mirror).

Talk Duration Lightning Presentation - up to 10 minutes
May we webcast & record the talk? Yes
May we publish the slides on our website? Yes

Primary author

Tim Dobson (Formisimo)

Presentation materials