UKNOF is being closed down during 2024, and this site is now only active as an archive of previous events and presentations.

UKNOF38 (Sheffield)

Ballroom (Holiday Inn Royal Victoria Sheffield)


Holiday Inn Royal Victoria Sheffield

Station Road, Sheffield, S4 7YE
Keith Mitchell (UKNOF), Mike Hughes (UKNOF)

The UK Network Operators' Forum is returning to Sheffield for UKNOF38 on Tuesday 12th September!

UKNOF events offer an OPEN environment for anyone within or interested in the Internet Industry. Network with industry colleagues, participate in knowledge sharing and freshen up on best practice around network operations and security.

For more information about UKNOF itself, please visit our primary site.

Social Media hashtag: #UKNOF38

We are thankful to our sponsors for supporting UKNOF, enabling us to keep attendance at UKNOF meetings mainly free.



Corero     ThousandEyes


Daisy Corporate Services     IPv4 Market group     Laser 2000     ProLabs




Bogons       Portfast     

PINTS N' PACKETS Networking Event

Corero     LONAP


Registration: Now Closed

Call for Presentations: Now Closed


     (HTML5 only) 

IRC Chatroom:

Twitter hashtag: #UKNOF38

Volunteers: We always appreciate volunteer help in setting up and running UKNOF events. If you're interested in helping at UKNOF38, please indicate this on the registration form. Our helpers always make a big difference.

Sponsors: We have the following sponsor opportunities for UKNOF38 and 2018:

  • Meeting Sponsorships
  • UKNOF Social / Pints n' Promos Sponsorships
  • Individual and Organisation Patron Sponsorships for 2017 and 2018

Further details in our Call for Sponsors page. We are grateful to our sponsors, enabling us to keep attendance at the meeting mainly free.

If you are interested in supporting UKNOF, please contact us on

Timetable Summary
  • Adam Mcleish
  • Adam Oukhaba
  • Adrian Farrel
  • Adrian Patterson
  • Alastair Winsey
  • Alexander Jeffries
  • Alistair Mackenzie
  • Ameer Mirza
  • Andrew Cormack
  • Andrew Murray
  • Andrew Nelless
  • Andy Davidson
  • Andy Elliott
  • Angus Campbell
  • Anthony Clarkson
  • Astrid Castro
  • Azeez Adesina Akerekan
  • Barry O'Donovan
  • Bartosz Miklaszewski
  • Ben Arblaster
  • Ben Barker
  • Ben Carter
  • Ben McKeegan
  • Ben Nicklin
  • Ben Ward
  • Benedicte Titley
  • Bert Hubert
  • Bob Sleigh
  • Brandon Butterworth
  • Brian Turbey
  • Cameron Sharp
  • Cathy Almond
  • Charlie Allom
  • Chris Bagnall
  • Chris Cox
  • Chris Platt
  • Chris Walsh
  • Clinton Ogilvie
  • Colin Peckham
  • Colin Silcock
  • Colin Smith
  • Craig Fagan
  • Craig Gallen
  • David Freedman
  • David Murray
  • David Sanchez
  • David Whitaker
  • Dean Krause
  • Dean Morris
  • Debbie Casey
  • Denesh Bhabuta
  • Derek Broadhurst
  • Diego Luis Neto
  • Dmitri Myrnyy
  • Donal Cunningham
  • Dunc Lockwood
  • Duncan Kennedy
  • Elliott Brown
  • Euan Galloway
  • Fearghas McKay
  • Gaith Taha
  • Gareth Llewellyn
  • Garwin Liu
  • Gavin Thomas
  • George Taylor
  • Giulio Chiappini
  • Greg Choules
  • Hannah Pirie
  • Haroldo Jardim
  • Ian Nightingale
  • Ian Sampson
  • Ignacio de Castro Arribas
  • Ignas Bagdonas
  • Inga Turner
  • Jake Lee
  • Jamaica Bloch
  • James BLESSING
  • James Cumming
  • James Fotheringham
  • James Hazel
  • James Rice
  • James Slater
  • Jamie Hosker
  • Jamie Walmsley
  • Jasper den Hertog
  • Javed Mirza
  • Javed Vohra
  • Jennifer Holmes
  • Jeremy Arnold
  • Jerry Nicholls
  • Jo Fereday
  • Jody Botham
  • John Bourke
  • John Bretherick
  • John Evans
  • John Mahon
  • Jon Morby
  • Jon Vooght
  • Jon Wiggins
  • Jonathan Chen
  • Jonathan Dixon
  • Jonathan Fowler
  • Jonathan Hewlett
  • Josh Kirkwood
  • Justin Fielder
  • Karl Austin
  • Keeran Marquis
  • Keith Johnson
  • Keith Mitchell
  • Kent Seymour
  • Kevin Mitchell
  • Kevin Smith
  • Kimon Nicolaides
  • Kurt Erik Lindqvist
  • Lachlan Swain
  • Lance Davis
  • Lance Wright
  • Larry Greenfield
  • Lee Kent
  • Lisa Mynors
  • Liz Stevens
  • Lou Ashtonhurst
  • Marcus Stoegbauer
  • Marek Isalski
  • Mark Fordyce
  • Mark Stokes
  • Mark Taplin
  • Markus Fischer
  • Martin Lee
  • Martin Levy
  • Marty Strong
  • Masud Akhtar Ahmed
  • Mat Ford
  • Mat Hattersley
  • Matt Dinham
  • Matt Illingworth
  • Matt Ingram-Smith
  • Matt Mather
  • Matt Robinson
  • Matt Wilson
  • Matthew Jepp
  • Matthew Newton
  • Matthew Walster
  • Melanie Cantalejo
  • Michelle Pierce
  • Mike Hughes
  • Mike Parkinson
  • Mike Pope
  • Milo Tseng
  • Mo Shivji
  • Nat Lasseter
  • Nat Morris
  • Nazam Hussain
  • Neil Lathwood
  • Neil Miller
  • Nicholas Hart
  • Nick Chettle
  • Nick Ryce
  • Nico Cartron
  • Nicola Lee
  • Nigel Titley
  • Nitin Nayer
  • Oliver Garraux
  • Oliver Leaver-Smith
  • Olivia Sessions
  • Paul Collier
  • Paul Hughes
  • Paul Lawrence
  • Paul Stead
  • Paul Thornton
  • Pete Foster
  • Peter Curnow-Ford
  • Peter Potoczniak
  • Peter Stevens
  • Peter Taphouse
  • Philip Mackay
  • Posco Tso
  • Ralph Weatherburn
  • Ray Bellis
  • Rebecca Smiley
  • Richard Edmonds
  • Richard Irving
  • Richard Patterson
  • Richard Pearson
  • Richard Shaw
  • Richard Webster
  • Rob Hamnett
  • Robert Lister
  • Robin Williams
  • Ross Moya
  • Ruth Plater
  • Ryan Benson
  • Ryan Dunn
  • Sam Smith
  • Sandra Brown
  • Sean Newman
  • Serge Radovcic
  • Simon Emery
  • Simon Helson
  • Simon Lockhart
  • Stephen Johnson
  • Stephen McKinley
  • Stephen Morris
  • Steve Dyer
  • Steve Glendinning
  • Steve Jones
  • Steve Lalonde
  • Steve Seymour
  • Steve Uhlig
  • Stuart Paton
  • Stuart Steele
  • Szymon Roczniak
  • Thiago Genez
  • Thomas Chambers
  • Thomas Jepp
  • Thomas Mangin
  • Tim Bray
  • Tim Chown
  • Tim Dobson
  • Tim Hoffman
  • Tim Porter
  • Tim Robinson
  • Tom Bird
  • Tom Hill
  • Tom Rigg
  • Tom Stillwell
  • Tony Pearson
  • Trefor Davies
  • Victoria Hougasian
  • Will Hargrave
  • Willie Black
  • Xavier Nicollet
  • Yas Patel
    • 09:00 09:55
      Registration 55m
    • 09:55 10:00
      Introduction and Welcome 5m Ballroom


      Holiday Inn Royal Victoria Sheffield

      Station Road, Sheffield, S4 7YE
      Speaker: Mr Keith Mitchell (UKNOF)
    • 10:00 10:30
      Building a nationwide carrier for <$1M 30m Ballroom


      Holiday Inn Royal Victoria Sheffield

      Station Road, Sheffield, S4 7YE
      From 2006 to 2010, Tim was a part of a small engineering team that built New Zealand’s 3rd nationwide telecommunications network, laying multiple thousands of kilometers of fibre and lighting up a DWDM transmission and MPLS telco network. They did this with 58 POPs on under $1M of routing equipment, while scaling to take a significant proportion of the internet traffic in the country. Requiring a fairly large amount of “creative engineering” and some Kiwi ingenuity, they’ll talk about how they managed to pull this off, some of the lessons learned, pitfalls, and hilarious stories involved in this achievement.
      Speaker: Mr Tim Hoffman
      Presentation Video
    • 10:30 11:00
      Implementing the GDPR 30m Ballroom


      Holiday Inn Royal Victoria Sheffield

      Station Road, Sheffield, S4 7YE
      The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which comes into force on 25th May 2018, broadens both the definition of personal data and the obligations of organisations that process it. With regulators apparently planning to provide detailed guidance as late as December, this talk will look at the steps organisations should be taking now to be ready to implement that guidance when it appears.
      Speaker: Mr Andrew Cormack (Jisc)
      Presentation Video
    • 11:00 11:15
      Sponsor Presentation - ThousandEyes 15m Ballroom


      Holiday Inn Royal Victoria Sheffield

      Station Road, Sheffield, S4 7YE
      Speaker: Mr Nitin Nayer (ThousandEyes)
      Presentation Video
    • 11:15 11:45
      Morning Coffee Break 30m Grand Lounge

      Grand Lounge

      Holiday Inn Royal Victoria Sheffield

      Station Road, Sheffield, S4 7YE
    • 11:45 12:10
      UK Education: Skills gaps and recruitment 25m Ballroom


      Holiday Inn Royal Victoria Sheffield

      Station Road, Sheffield, S4 7YE
      What is the biggest challenge in recruitment of good technical staff? What is being taught in schools and colleges and how is it delivered? Who decides what should be taught? How could things be done better? I don’t pretend to know all the answers, but I am an educator and I know how students learn and can show how technical education and relevant skills are being delivered and where the gaps are. GCSE ICT is gone, replaced by computer science. Sixth form colleges are switching to ‘T-levels’ and A-level computer science is already replacing ICT. It’s important because it’s not a closed loop, things can be done to make UK education more relevant to this ever changing and evolving industry, and I have a few ideas on how this can be done, from the local school to the government and the industry itsel
      Speaker: Mr Colin Smith (UTC Sheffield)
      Presentation Video
    • 12:10 12:40
      Panel: Skills gaps and recruitment 30m Ballroom


      Holiday Inn Royal Victoria Sheffield

      Station Road, Sheffield, S4 7YE
      Speakers: Mr Colin Smith (Utc sheffield OLP), Hannah Pirie (Bytemark), Haroldo Jardim (Gamma), Marek Isalski (Faelix Limited), Matt Ingram-Smith (Benchmark Recruit), Mr Thomas Mangin (Exa Networks Limited)
      Presentation Video
    • 12:40 13:00
      UKNOF Annual Update 20m Ballroom


      Holiday Inn Royal Victoria Sheffield

      Station Road, Sheffield, S4 7YE
      Speaker: Mr Keith Mitchell (UKNOF)
      Presentation Video
    • 13:00 14:15
      Lunch 1h 15m Restaurant


      Holiday Inn Royal Victoria Sheffield

      Station Road, Sheffield, S4 7YE
    • 14:15 14:45
      IXP Route Server Prefix Validation at LINX - Progress and challenges 30m Ballroom


      Holiday Inn Royal Victoria Sheffield

      Station Road, Sheffield, S4 7YE
      Earlier this year, LINX has started a project to implement prefix validation across the different Route Server platforms we are operating. This presentation will provide a very brief overview of what this is all about (why and how) and then focus on the implementation choices made and give an update on progress so far. It will provide an insight into the issues encountered, which will focus heavily on data validation and the quality of the data available in the IRR and other databases.
      Speaker: Mr Mo Shivji (LINX)
      Presentation Video
    • 14:45 15:00
      Empowering IXPs with SDN Capabilities 15m Ballroom


      Holiday Inn Royal Victoria Sheffield

      Station Road, Sheffield, S4 7YE
      While innovation in inter-domain routing has remained stagnant for over a decade, Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) are consolidating their role as economically advantageous interconnection points for reducing path latencies and exchanging ever increasing amounts of traffic. As such, IXPs appear as a natural place to foster network innovation and assess the benefits of Software-Defined Networking (SDN). In this talk, we give an overview of the work done within the Horizon 2020 project ENDEAVOUR, focused on SDN for IXPs. We will present use cases for SDN at IXPs, which leverage the superior vantage point of an IXP to introduce advanced features like load-balancing and DDoS mitigation. We will also shortly discuss how a SDN-enabled IXP can benefit its members but also operators. Finally, we will introduce an upcoming EPSRC-funded research project, called EARL, led by QMUL and the University of Cambridge, in collaboration with LINX, GEANT, ESN, Cisco, Corsa, that will leverage SDN-based measurements to improve network operations.
      Speaker: Prof. Steve Uhlig (Queen Mary University of London)
      Presentation Video
    • 15:00 15:30
      BIRD-Stack: Automatic BIRD configuration with StackStorm 30m Ballroom


      Holiday Inn Royal Victoria Sheffield

      Station Road, Sheffield, S4 7YE
      Presentation of BIRD-Stack, a StackStorm (event driven automation product by Brocade) based Open-Source framework to fully automate the BIRD route-server configuration, tailored for large IXPs. The framework allows to generate and automatically deploy feature-rich BIRD configuration files including support for members black/white listing and prefixes filtering based on IRR DB informations, fullbogons and DROP lists. During the presentation, as a practical use case and followup of the UNKNOF37 presentation about the 'NL-ix route-server configurator', we will also show the new features of the tool based on BIRD-Stack.
      Speaker: Mr Diego Neto (NL-ix)
      Presentation Video
    • 15:30 16:00
      Afternoon Coffee Break 30m Grand Lounge

      Grand Lounge

      Holiday Inn Royal Victoria Sheffield

      Station Road, Sheffield, S4 7YE
    • 16:00 16:30
      Detecting UK ISP Filtering 30m Ballroom


      Holiday Inn Royal Victoria Sheffield

      Station Road, Sheffield, S4 7YE
      As one of the original developers of the OpenRightsGroup's platform I'd like to take a moment to explain how UK Internet filtering is detected and reported by civil liberties groups.
      Speaker: Mr G Llewellyn (Myself)
      Presentation Video
    • 16:30 17:00
      Segment Routing - Introductory Tutorial 30m Ballroom


      Holiday Inn Royal Victoria Sheffield

      Station Road, Sheffield, S4 7YE
      There has been a lot of noise about Segment Routing as the latest and greatest thing in networking, but as always a new technology is accompanied by loads of hype and it can be difficult to see beyond the marketing to understand what could reasonably be deployed in the near term and what the concrete benefits could be. This presentation will provide an overview tutorial to Segment Routing to introduce the concepts and the building blocks. It will highlight the limitations as well as the benefits of this forwarding paradigm and will describe some of the key use cases. The purpose is not to evangelise the technology, but to give a fair view of the pros and cons so that the audience can see beyond the marketing hype and determine the nuggets of value in this piece of IETF work. The presenter, Adrian Farrel, is a Distinguished Engineer with Juniper Networks, and an independent consultant specialising in the standardisation of routing protocols at Old Dog Consulting. He has been active in the IETF for 20 years and has held a number of management positions in that organisation. He is currently actively involved in the standardisation of Segment Routing as well as Service Function Chaining, traffic Engineering technologies, and the Path Computation Element.
      Speaker: Mr Adrian Farrel (Juniper Networks)
      Presentation Video
    • 17:00 17:30
      Kolmo: configuration management primitives library & support infrastructure 30m Ballroom


      Holiday Inn Royal Victoria Sheffield

      Station Road, Sheffield, S4 7YE
      Routers and switches have long had the ability to serialise and commit their running configuration, leading to the easy ability to automate the deployment of known successful configurations. Software, including software based routers, does not frequently have this ability. This makes automated deployment a lot of work: a playbook populates a server, but there is no way to turn a well-tuned server into a playbook. Kolmo is an open source initiative to enable software to offer configuration serialisation compared to embedded default settings. This also allows for the porting of configuration files from one version to another, taking into account new or removed defaults. Kolmo also offers programmatic access (read/write) to configuration files, which is far superior to the 'add_line' or regular expression based configuration manipulation frequently used during automated deployment. Kolmo is a new development that will be presented as a ready to use proof of concept, but one that still requires a ton of feedback to become suitable to the network operator & wider communities. It is hoped that this presentation will facilitate such feedback. More information can be found [on GitHub](
      Speaker: Mr Bert Hubert (PowerDNS)
      Presentation Video
    • 17:30 17:45
      Living in a van means Lean as a lifestyle 15m Ballroom


      Holiday Inn Royal Victoria Sheffield

      Station Road, Sheffield, S4 7YE
      Talk in a nutshell: - WHY?! * List item * found riskiest assumption * sought to test it as cheaply and quickly as possible * Built MLP * reflection: MLP was wrong MLP * How "Jobs To Be Done" can be used to help you figure out what you can outsource (cheap) & what you need to build (expensive) * eg washing machine in van = very expensive engineering challenge to test the hypothesis vs "I have a regular need for clean clothes" -> outsourcing to laundrette now a possibility. The slides will be mainly van based photos from [here][1]. For UKNOF, I might add some comments about my van-networking stack and mobile data, though it's painfully simple. :) [1]:
      Speaker: Tim Dobson (Formisimo)
      Presentation Video
    • 18:00 20:00
      Pints n' Packets 2h Grand Lounge

      Grand Lounge

      Holiday Inn Royal Victoria Sheffield

      Station Road, Sheffield, S4 7YE