UKNOF is being closed down during 2024, and this site is now only active as an archive of previous events and presentations.

3 August 2021
Europe/London timezone

Call for Presentations

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

virtualUKNOF August 2021 CfP+: More Than Presentations!

UKNOF's remit is "distribution of clue", and we are looking to widen the pool of content for our diverse and inquisitive audience. We are looking for a wide range of content for Tuesday, 3 August 2021. This event will be full online. We are seeking proposal for presentations and also:

  • Interviews
  • Panels
  • Posters
  • Innovative formats we have not thought of

We encourage proposals that include a time for Q&A.

Agenda slots are generally 20 minutes including time for Q&A but can be as short as 5 minutes for a lightning talk and as long as 45 minutes for a panel session / discussion.

We will hold a rehearsal for speakers whose talks have been accepted for presentation at the meeting. The rehearsal will take place in the early part of the week commencing 19 July. It is currently penciled in for 20 July at 15:00 BST

Hot topics we’re interested in for this virtualUKNOF include:

  • Brexit and its impact on network operations
  • Diversity and recruitment
  • Supply chains and infrastructure deployment

We are also interested in a wide variety of Internet operations topics. We have previously had plenty of interest in DevOps, DNS, network automation, open source hardware and software, peering tools, policy issues, protocol development, rural connectivity and security.

You can see talks on these and other subjects on our YouTube channel.

Please submit your proposals before July using the "Submit new abstract" button.

To preserve editorial neutrality, the UKNOF PC does not accept abstract submissions for presentations by commercial organisations that are also sponsors of the same UKNOF event. If you would like one of our sponsored presentation slots, please contact .

UKNOF is run on a non-profit basis and is not in a position to reimburse expenses or time for speakers at its meetings.

The call for abstracts is closed.