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3 August 2021
Europe/London timezone

Incident Managment: The First Fifteen Minutes

3 Aug 2021, 14:00

Standard Presentation Main Session virtualUKNOF August 2021


Brian Nisbet (HEAnet)


Incident management is extremely complex, and every organisation and system has its own complexities and priorities. There are also many common elements involved, including ensuring that roles have been clearly established, that those who can fix the problem are being left alone to do so and that communication has started with everyone who needs to be kept updated.

In HEAnet we have recently updated our major incident processes with a focus on the first fifteen minutes, a clear checklist of items, with handy flowcharts, which can be applied to any type of incident and that will form a solid foundation for incident communication and resolution.

Why fifteen minutes? Firstly, I like the alliteration of The First Fifteen Minutes, but also because this is a rough period in which staff can realise there is an incident that needs management, during which more people can be involved and that clients will understand as an acceptable amount of time for very initial communication to start.

This LT will explain some of the thinking behind our choices and outline what those first fifteen minutes look like and show how easy it is to integrate this type of plan into any existing incident management process, or how it can form the basis of an entirely new one.

Talk Duration 5 Minutes Lightning Presentation (no Q&A)
Your consent for us to publish your name and affiliation as a Speaker on the virtualUKNOF August 2021 website Yes

Primary author

Brian Nisbet (HEAnet)

Presentation materials