Fibre to the "something" is the emerging way to offer real highspeed access to your customers. Now the limiting factor are the fibres in the ground.
To reach your customers there are several FTTx technologies on the market which have their advantages and disadvantages. These new technologies will influence where and how (or even if you will use) a PoP and how your network-structure will be maintained and financed.
Passive Optical Network (PON via GEPON and GPON), Active Optical Network (AON), direct fiber (e.g. with BIDI transmission) are the three technologies which are broadly used.
We do a comparison of distance, speed, applications, CPE, PoP capabilities.
The presentation leads into a discussion with the audience to gather local experiences with FTTx, this data will be combined to give an overview of five European countries.
A video of the presentation from Netnod is available at: http://bambuser.com/v/3417862 approx 16 minutes in.