UKNOF is being closed down during 2024, and this site is now only active as an archive of previous events and presentations.




15 Hatfields, Chadwick Court, London, SE1 8DJ
Keith Mitchell (UKNOF)
Meeting Platinum Sponsor:   Ericsson

Meeting Bronze Sponsors:   Ciena  DataCentred  RedSpam

Meeting Webcast Sponsors:   Bogons  Portfast

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  • Adam Beaumont
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  • Neil McRae
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  • Olaf Maennel
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  • Patrick Sumby
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  • Paul Hughes
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  • Paul Thornton
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  • Peter Schoenmaker
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  • Phillip Baker
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  • Stephen Maloney
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  • Steve Housego
  • Steve Karmeinsky
  • Steve Whitaker
  • Sven Huster
  • Terry Froy
  • Thomas Greer
  • Thomas Kernen
  • Thomas Weible
  • Tim Anker
  • Tim Bray
  • Tim Chown
  • Tim Robinson
  • Tom Bird
  • Vlad Galu
  • Will Hargrave
  • Willie Black
  • Wednesday, 17 April
    • 19:30
      Curry Dinner SE1 2TH

      SE1 2TH

      Sponsored by IXreach

  • Thursday, 18 April
    • 09:30
    • 1
      LTE - "The art of the possible"
      Lars is our Platinum meeting sponsor Ericsson's Programme Director LTE, and this talk will focus on how to mix LTE FDD and TD-LTE in real world deployments.
      Speaker: Lars Bergendahl (Ericsson)
    • 2
      UK Wireless Spectrum Update: LTE
      Speaker: Steve Karmeinsky (NetTek Ltd / DBVu Ltd / City Meets Tech Ltd)
    • 10:50
      Morning Coffee Break
    • 3
      Whitespace Networks in the UK
      Whitespace spectrum is a new way of offering large amounts of spectrum where the owner currently doesn’t or can’t use it. Opportunistic spectrum sharing allows swathes of TV and other spectrum currently lying unused to be accessed by users on a geographical and temporary basis (eg. in a specific location for a couple of minutes or months) by using coordination databases rather than auctions and long-term ownership. This spectrum has characteristics ideal for the Internet of Things and wireless sensor networks - long range, low power, good penetration, good bandwidth. For the UK, access to spectrum by entites other than telcos willing to bid billions of pounds is an important step in our development as a country and society. A regulator taking steps to empower the individual is surprising and encouraging, so let’s use it before it’s given away.
      Speaker: Ben Ward (MLL Telecom)
    • 4
      TV White Spaces for Rural Broadband
      Speaker: Mr Neil McRae (BT)
    • 5
      The Need for BCP38
      Speaker: Mr Neil McRae (BT)
    • 6
      Communications Data Bill Consultation
      Speaker: Jim Killock (Open Rights Group)
    • 7
      A 6UK Retrospective
      Speaker: Mr Nigel Titley (Easynet)
    • 12:40
      Lunch Break
    • 8
      RIPE Atlas Probes Distribution
      Speaker: Fearghas McKay (UKNOF)
    • 9
      PGP Signing
      Speaker: Mr Luke Sheldrick (an0key // kcom)
    • 10
      100 GbE - What's New and What's Next
      Speaker: Greg Hankins (Brocade)
    • 11
      FTTx - Find The Technology x
      Fibre to the "something" is the emerging way to offer real highspeed access to your customers' premises. We do a comparison of distance, speed, applications, CPE & PoP capabilities, with a review of deployed technologies in different countries.
      Speaker: Mr Thomas Weible (flexOptix GmbH)
    • 12
      Fast Rural Broadband
      Speakers: Christer Karlsson (Gigaclear), Matthew Hare (Gigaclear)
    • 13
      UK Internet History talk - Data Centres
      Speaker: Dr Mike Kelly (Datacentred Ltd)
    • 14
      IXP Developments in Scotland
      Speaker: Charlie Boisseau (Fluency)
    • 15:40
      Afternoon Coffee Break
    • 15
      Observing Limited Visibility Prefixes in the Wild
      Advertising a prefix is only the first step towards achieving global reachability. However, filters and policies may not mean that an advertised prefix is reachable from everywhere on the Internet. We have build a tool, that looks at publicly available data and checks the global reachability of your prefixes. The output from our studies are available at Such limited visibility can have many different reasons, but we had some initial talks to operators and discovered many misconfiguration problem. We would like to turn this tool into a useful "BGP policy verification" system. In this talk we report on our findings of analysing many month of global routing table data, we find that there are about 100.000 prefixes that show limited visibility and about 3.000 prefixes which do not have any less specific prefix (e.g., which do not provide any connectivity at all).
      Speaker: Mr Olaf Maennel (Loughborough University)
      Visibility Scanner Website
    • 16
      Beating Bufferbloat with FQ_Codel
      Most of the excitement over reducing latency under load on edge networks has been focused on the combination of the Flow Queuing + Codel algorithms now in the Linux kernel, called fq_codel. This talk goes into how, why, and where that works, and the sorts of network traffic that can and cannot be optimized. It leverages new studies from cablelabs and others on the prospect of deploying the new AQMs in devices such cable head ends, dslams, cable modems and home gateways.
      Speaker: dave taht (
    • 17
      Adaptive Bit Rate video delivery
      Internet based delivery of video services across non-multicast enabled networks is currently led by the likes of Apple, Microsoft, Adobe. Each have their own carriage system for the "chuncks" of data delivering "Adaptive BitRate" services which causes some providers to have to encode up to 120 versions of a single source. This presentation will discuss how MPEG-DASH, a recent standard that is aimed at unifying those different models under a single common scheme combined with the standardisation of the new H.265/HEVC video codec, will continue to transform how video services are streamed across IP networks.
      Speaker: Mr Thomas Kernen (Cisco)
    • 18
      Akamai and ISPs
      UKNOF invited me to explain a little bit about how Akamai works and how Akamai and ISPs interact. This talk is designed to impart a very high level understanding on the Akamai system and give ISPs some idea of how Akamai works with an ISP to deliver content to end users.
      Speaker: Patrick Gilmore (Akamai Technologies)
    • 18:00
      Social Drinks