UKNOF is being closed down during 2024, and this site is now only active as an archive of previous events and presentations.




15 Hatfields, Chadwick Court, London, SE1 8DJ
Keith Mitchell (UKNOF)

Videos: UKNOFconf YouTube Channel


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Twitter hashtag: #UKNOF26

UKNOF26 Sponsors: We are thankful to our sponsors for supporting UKNOF, enabling us to keep attendance at UKNOF meeting mainly free.



Alternative Networks     Ciena



A10 Networks     ADVA Optical     Cube Optics     




Imtech ICT     Infoblox


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SOCIAL Post-Meeting

  • Aden Bos
  • Adrian Farrel
  • Alan Barnett
  • Aled Morris
  • Alex Cruz Farmer
  • Alex Ziebland
  • Andrew Bangs
  • Andrew Bell
  • Andrew Brown
  • Andrew Chalkley
  • Andrew Dvorshak
  • Andrew Lemin
  • Andy Davidson
  • Andy Furnell
  • Andy Hunter
  • Andy Machin
  • Andy Moore
  • Andy Redfearn
  • Andy Saunders
  • Anthony Magee
  • Anthony Turner
  • Azhar Waheed
  • Barry O'Donovan
  • Ben Hedges
  • Ben Ryall
  • Ben Ward
  • Benedicte Titley
  • Benjamin Blangstrup
  • Bijal Sanghani
  • Bob Sleigh
  • Bob Sleigh
  • Brad Raymo
  • Brandon Butterworth
  • Brett Carr
  • Brian Austin
  • Brian Leach
  • Brian Nisbet
  • Carlo Jansen
  • Cathy Almond
  • Charlie Allom
  • Chris Bagnall
  • Chris Hall
  • Chris Richardson
  • Chris Rogers
  • Chris Russell
  • Christian de Larrinaga
  • Christian Johannesen
  • Christopher Orsman
  • Clive Stone
  • Craig Aspey
  • Craig Denton
  • Dan Springett
  • Daryl Tanner
  • Dave Green
  • Dave Wilson
  • David Croft
  • David Farrell
  • David Freedman
  • David Mayberry
  • David Murray
  • David Whitaker
  • Debbie Casey
  • Denesh Bhabuta
  • Don McAuley
  • Dunc Lockwood
  • Edward Gould
  • Edwin Punt
  • Ellis Melman
  • Emily Taylor
  • Emma Saunders
  • Fearghas McKay
  • Felipe Grazziotin
  • Gareth Campling
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  • Ian Lawley
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  • Islah Touhtouh
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  • Jaco Engelbrecht
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  • James Clements
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  • James Harrison
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  • Jan Zorz
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  • Kareem Ali
  • Katherine Masters
  • Katrina Readshaw
  • Kay Rechthien
  • Keith Mitchell
  • Kerry Milestone
  • Kevin Meynell
  • Leigh Porter
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  • Luke Sheldrick
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  • Michael Yiapatos
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  • Myhoa Tien
  • Naran Khetani
  • Nat Morris
  • Neil McRae
  • Nick Ryce
  • Nicky Bennett
  • Nigel Titley
  • Oliver Pennington
  • Olivier Crepin-Leblond
  • Patrick Sumby
  • Paul Bruce
  • Paul Collier
  • Paul Ebersman
  • Paul Hughes
  • Paul Mansfield
  • Paul Thornton
  • Paul Ward
  • Paul Wright
  • Peter Crocker
  • Peter Mills
  • Peter Schoenmaker
  • Ray Bellis
  • Rex Wickham
  • Ricky Blaikie
  • Rob Evans
  • Rob Golding
  • Rob Harrison
  • Rob Neep
  • Rob Shakir
  • Robert Campbell
  • Robert Hamnett
  • Robert Lee
  • Robert Lister
  • Sarah Caulfield
  • Scott Ofield
  • Sevan Janiyan
  • Simon Blackler
  • Simon Lockhart
  • Simon Luff
  • Simon Parry
  • Stefan Wahl
  • Stephen Maloney
  • Steve Glendinning
  • Steve Housego
  • Steve Jones
  • Steve Karmeinsky
  • Steve Lockwood
  • Steve Wright
  • Steven Tee
  • Stuart Clark
  • Sven Huster
  • Terry Froy
  • Thomas Greer
  • Thomas Menari
  • Tim Anker
  • Tim Chown
  • Tim Preston
  • Tim Robinson
  • Tom Bird
  • Tom Hodgson
  • Tony Kenyon
  • Vlad Galu
  • Walter Rossi
  • Wenbing Yao
  • Will Hargrave
  • William B. Norton
  • William Hulley
  • Wouter Renterghem
    • 09:30
    • 1
      UKNOF Status and Development Update
      There have been a significant number of changes to UKNOF over the last year, as we adapt the organisation to meet growing demand from the community. In advance of UKNOF's AGM on Monday 16th September, this presentation is a review of these changes, the rationale behind them, an update on how we develop UKNOF to continue and build on its success, and an opportunity for input and feedback from UKNOF participants.
      Speaker: Mr Keith Mitchell (UKNOF)
    • 2
      The Peering Playbook: Remote Peering
      UKNOF is pleased to welcome "Dr. Peering" himself, Bill Norton. As one of the co-founders of Equinix and a leading independent visionary on the theory and practice of peering and interconnect, Bill will be presenting his unique insights and perspective on the growing space of remote peering services.
      Speaker: William Norton (IIX)
    • 3
      Imprecise Network Monitoring Tools
      Any problem can have multiple causes and a vital part of troubleshooting is to gather as much data as possible. Substantial data can be gleaned in regards to campus outages from social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook. This talk aims to briefly explain the benefits (and significant pitfalls) of crowdsourcing your network monitoring.
      Speaker: Mr Brian Nisbet (HEAnet)
    • 4
      Datacentred Shared Compute and Storage Resource
      DataCentred are building a large scale shared compute and storage resource for use by our collocation clients. The compute environment is based on Openstack, the open source cloud operating system, which enables very flexible and rapid deployment of virtual machines and networks. The storage system is based on Ceph, a distributed, and highly scalable open source object store, with automatic replication and recovery capabilities. We present a brief overview of these systems and other open source tools used for integration and management, and describe some potential use cases in a network operator environment.
      Speaker: Mr Matt Jarvis (DataCentred)
    • 11:30
      Morning Coffee Break
    • 5
      Prescriptive Topology Daemon
      Operator error is one of the biggest causes for network failure. In the data center, topologies based on CLOS tree and its variants, right cabling is a skilled and time consuming endeavor. PTMD is designed to take the pain and skill out of this task. PTMD runs on all routers/switches in the network (and can run on hosts too). It takes a graphviz-DOT specified network cabling plan (something many operators already generate) and couples it with with runtime information derived from LLDP to verify that the cabling matches the specification. This is done on every link transition. The talk is primarily targetted for system administrators. The audience will get to know: * design and implementation of PTMD * configuration examples * use cases and extensions.
      Speaker: Mr Nat Morris (Cumulus Networks Inc)
    • 6
      BGP Optimised route reflection and Next-Hop SAFI
      This presentation provides overview of two proposed (at IETF) extentions to BGP that allow: a) per-client best path selection; and b) conveyng next-hop reachability and cost information within BGP itself (that facilitates per-client route selection on route reflectors and route servers).
    • 7
      Is SDN Delivering?
      Software Defined Networking has been around for a while now. Most people are aware of the methodology of SDN but not necessarily what SDN was supposed to achieve and the benefits it is meant to offer? We look at what SDN is meant to achieve and where the market is today. Is SDN delivering on it’s promises?
      Speaker: Mr Jez Clark (Alternative)
    • 13:00
      Lunch Break
    • 8
      PGP signing
      Speaker: Ivan Beveridge (LiveJournal)
      PGP keyring
      Text file
    • IPv4/IPv6 Access Transition
      Convener: Mr Chris Russell (UKNOF)
      • 9
        IPv4 exhaustion / IPv6 adoption within UK access networks
        With the exhaustion of ipv4, considerable focus has been placed upon how access networks look to scale their networks due to increasing subscriber levels. This panel aims to ascertain how UK access networks have approached introducing IPv6 within their networks. We consider the options and pitfalls of carrier grade NAT, migration to dual stack and specifically how IPv6 can be introduced at a consumer level.
        Speaker: Mr Chris Russell (UKNOF)
    • 10
      Whatever happened to "rough consensus and running code"? Multistakeholder governance in .uk.
      Nominet, the .uk domain name registry, has recently published proposals for sweeping changes. If adopted these will fundamentally alter both the structure of the .uk namespace, and the way that its registrars are accredited. The Internet community has traditionally followed a collaborative form of policy making, epitomised by David Clark's aphorism "We reject: kings, presidents and voting. We believe in: rough consensus and running code". Over time, this approach has become known as bottom-up, multistakeholder governance. The involvement of the full range of affected stakeholders lends legitimacy to the process, and to the relevant organisation. This presentation is a critical analysis of Nominet's policy development process, drawing on comparators from the Internet governance world. At the same time, it will ask whether it is realistic to expect full participation of stakeholders in .uk (or Internet) governance, especially in the increasingly competitive world of new Top Level Domains.
      Speaker: Ms Emily Taylor (Emily Taylor Consultancy Ltd)
    • 11
      Simplifying Performance Assurance and Testing of Ethernet Services
      With the increased adoption of Carrier Ethernet services for wholesale, business and mobile backhaul applications, intelligent service performance assurance and testing becomes essential. While Operation, Administration and Maintenance (OAM) capabilities have been introduced at an early stage to guarantee and manage Service Level Agreements (SLA), little emphasis was put initially on efficient Carrier Ethernet service testing at turn-up. Aligned with the requirements of service providers offering Carrier Ethernet services, the ITU-T Y.1564 test methodology enables complete validation of all SLA parameters in a single test cycle to facilitate simplified service turn-up testing and ensure optimized quality of service. Our presentation gives an overview on Carrier Ethernet performance assurance tools covering the entire service life-cycle and focuses specifically on the innovations introduce with ITU-T Y.1564. We outline the advantages of the new methodology, designed from the ground up as a stress test for Carrier Ethernet services and its role in a comprehensive suite of OAM capabilities required for offering MEF-based services.
      Speaker: Mr Anthony Magee (ADVA Optical Networking)
    • 12
      Human factors in network outage diagnosis
      "How to turn a fairly simple 15 minute problem into a 15 hour outage" - fixation on one possible cause to the exclusion of all others.
      Speaker: Mr Paul Thornton (PRT Systems Ltd)
    • 13
      NL-ix UKNOF presentation
      NL-ix is a NeutraL internet exchange operating in 6 countries. The NL-ix internet exchange is based on a distributed model allowing members to peer in different cities and countries without the hassle of managing own transport capacity. Beside the IX service also Internet Connectivity (Joint Transit) and Transport Services are available. Open Peering is peering in 6 countries at multiple IX. Join us and peer with us!
      Speakers: Mr Edwin Punt (NL-ix), Mr Wouter Renterghem (NL-ix)
    • 15:40
      Afternoon Coffee Break
    • 14
      100Gig in Metro Networks
      As data usage continues to explode, a growing number of service providers have started to look at 40G/100Gig. Continued increases in low latency connections between data centers creates a growing pressure on port density on switch / routers. With 40G/100G ports appearing on the switch / routers this presentation looks at some of the issues around how they migrate from 10G and extending 40G/100Gig in Metro networks.
      Speaker: Mr Steve Jones (Cube Optics)
    • 15
      Tackling botnets on large networks, and the state of incident response
      Janet CSIRT uses a combination of open source intelligence and netflow to track down and remove malware clients from their customer's networks. This is done with an open source tool chain and without the use of expensive propitiatory tool chain. The talk will look at some of the methods and sources of intelligence that we use, and some future ideas for extending these systems to react faster to new malware. If time allows I'll also continue to talk about the state of play in incident response within the UK, covering some recent activities and projects at that the wider community may not be aware of.
      Speaker: Mr James Davis (Janet)
    • 16
      DNS - Abused Child
      DNS is a required part of most user experiences on the internet. But DNS is now an attractive target and tool for the bad buys. Learn about attacks and mediations on DNS servers and DATA and how the DNS is being used as a tool in DDoS attacks.
      Speaker: Paul Ebersman (Infoblox)
    • 17
      Best Current Operational Practices - Efforts from the Internet Society
      There is an opportunity to better identify, capture, and promote best current operational practices documents emerging from various regional network operators' groups. We believe sharing these documents across the globe would benefit the wider Internet community and help more operators deploy new technologies like IPv6 and DNSSEC faster and easier. In addition, there is an opportunity to improve communications between the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standards making process and operators around the globe. We believe standards could be better designed and implemented if more operators that actually use them in their real-world networks agreed on what they need and provided more feedback into the RFC process within the IETF. In this presentation, Jan Zorz from the Internet Society Deploy360 Programme will discuss options on how to start answering three specific questions: - Would operators benefit from documenting the best current operational practices in different regions and globally? - What might be the best path forward to closing these communication gaps and creating such a document repositories? - Do you agree that there is a communication gap between the IETF and real-world network operators? Many operators need down-to-earth information on how to fix their current issues and how to implement new technologies coming out of the IETF. How can the Internet Society help facilitate this work?
      Speaker: Mr Jan Zorz (Internet Society (ISOC))
    • 18
      NTK - UK Internet History Talk
      Dave Green is a journalist, broadcaster and snack food expert. He was Production Editor on Amiga Power magazine (who claimed he was an alien) and Reviews Editor for the brief UK edition of Wired magazine. Together with Danny O'Brien, he is jointly responsible for publishing the email newsletter Need To Know. He also publishes Snackspot, the "world's premier snack food discussion site", and is technology correspondent for the Phill Jupitus breakfast programme on BBC 6Music.
      Speaker: Dave Green (NTK)
    • 19
      Ciena OPn
      Ciena OPn: /ōpən/ Noun: Optical and packet raised to great scale Adjective: Open and programmable; software-definable Proper Noun: A network architecture that transforms the economics and utility of network operators
      Speaker: Mr Simon Parry (Ciena)
    • 18:00
      Social Drinks