UKNOF is being closed down during 2024, and this site is now only active as an archive of previous events and presentations.


Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11 (Manchester Central)

Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

Manchester Central

Windmill Street, Manchester,M2 3GX
Keith Mitchell (UKNOF)

Presentation Videos: UKNOF27 Video Playlist on YouTube


IRC Chatroom:

Twitter hashtag: #UKNOF27


We are thankful to our sponsors for supporting UKNOF, enabling us to keep attendance at UKNOF meetings mainly free.



Imtech       F5     


Arista     Alternative Networks




Bogons      Bytemark      Datacentred      Go Communications

IX Reach      Noction      Portfast



  • Adam Beaumont
  • Adam Lee
  • Adam Oukhaba
  • Ade Saunders
  • Aled Morris
  • Aled Treharne
  • Alex Howells
  • Alex Moses
  • Alex Nichol
  • Alex Walker
  • Alex Ziebland
  • Alice McKeown
  • Anand Buddhdev
  • Andrea Beccalli
  • Andrew Bennett
  • Andrew Murray
  • Andrew Richards
  • Andrew Veitch
  • Andy Betts
  • Andy Chalkley
  • Andy Davidson
  • Andy Hunter
  • Andy Rawnsley
  • Ashley Griffiths
  • Barney Sowood
  • Barry O'Donovan
  • Ben Arblaster
  • Ben Carter
  • Ben Lessani
  • Ben O'Brien
  • Benedicte Titley
  • Bob Kershaw
  • Bob Sleigh
  • Brandon Butterworth
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  • Cathy Almond
  • Charlie Allom
  • Charlie Bellord
  • Charlie Boisseau
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  • Chris Byrd
  • Chris Crawley
  • Chris Gallon
  • Chris Orsman
  • Chris Russell
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  • Colin Silcock
  • Craig Aspey
  • Craig Denton
  • Dan Springett
  • Daniel Dickson
  • Dariush Marsh-Mossadeghi
  • Darren McDonald
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  • Dave Richards
  • Dave Warburton
  • David Alldritt
  • David Bell
  • David Clisby
  • David Farrell
  • David Freedman
  • David Groves
  • David Mayberry
  • David Moss
  • David Pumford
  • David Reader
  • David Stansfield
  • David Whitaker
  • Dawn Alexander
  • Debbie Casey
  • Deepali Kaur
  • Denesh Bhabuta
  • Dilip Hirani
  • Donal Cunningham
  • Donald Lawton
  • Duncan Hughes
  • Edward Bender
  • Edward Gould
  • Eileen Gallagher
  • Emma Frost
  • Erik Verhoef
  • Euan Galloway
  • Fearghas McKay
  • Forde Barry
  • Gareth Campling
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  • Gary Mackenzie
  • Gavin Henry
  • Gerry Murray
  • Gordon Dick
  • Graham Beniston
  • Greg Choules
  • Hamlesh Motah
  • Harriet Goddard
  • Hisham El-Ezaby
  • Ian Charles
  • Ian Goodall
  • Ian Meikle
  • Ian Mushing
  • Ignas Bagdonas
  • Jake Greenland
  • Jamaica Bloch
  • James Banbrook
  • James Blessing
  • James Bradley
  • Jamie Lesley
  • Jamie Sheppard
  • Jason Grant
  • Javed Vohra
  • Jeremy Rush
  • Jess Rowbottom
  • Joe Abley
  • John Benson
  • John Brzozowski
  • John Gorbutt
  • John Mahon
  • John McSorley
  • John Souter
  • John Strong
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  • Jonathan Buckle
  • Jonathan Dixon
  • Jonathan Fowler
  • Jonathan Thornhill
  • Jonty Hewlett
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  • Julian Lawn
  • Julie Doherty
  • Katherine Masters
  • Katrina Readsahw
  • Kaveh Ranjbar
  • Kay Rechthien
  • Keith Barratt
  • Keith Mitchell
  • Keith Oborn
  • Lance Davis
  • Lee Donovan
  • Lee Kent
  • Liz Fletcher
  • Louise Ashtonhurst
  • Luca Scarpa
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  • Malcolm Murphy
  • Mark Bailey
  • Mark Carnighan
  • Mark Taplin
  • Mark Townsley
  • Martin Clare
  • Martin Gough
  • Matt Edgley
  • Matt Jarvis
  • Matt Mather
  • Matt Richards
  • Matt Robinson
  • Matthew Scully
  • Matthew Shooman
  • Matthew Walster
  • Max Machula
  • Michael Daly
  • Mike Grice
  • Mike Hughes
  • Mike Kelly
  • Nat Morris
  • Naveed Ahmed
  • Neath Elliot
  • Neil Christie
  • Neil Lathwood
  • Neil McRae
  • Nick Williams
  • Nicola Dux
  • Nicola Lee
  • Nigel Metheringham
  • Nigel Titley
  • Paddy Bear
  • Paul Bonner
  • Paul Cairney
  • Paul Chambers
  • Paul Collier
  • Paul Edwards
  • Paul Evans
  • Paul Heywood
  • Paul Rayns
  • Paul Rosbotham
  • Paul Thornton
  • Pete Barnwell
  • Peter Casey
  • Peter Mills
  • Peter Taphouse
  • Phil Sykes
  • Pippa Dyal
  • Ralf Weber
  • Ray Bellis
  • Raza Rizvi
  • Remco Frijling
  • Rich Bible
  • Richard Cunningham
  • Richard Elphick
  • Richard Leech
  • Richard Patterson
  • Richard Petrie
  • Richard Porter
  • Richard Spragg
  • Rob Evans
  • Rob Golding
  • Rob Harrison
  • Rob Shakir
  • Robert Cleaves
  • Robert Lister
  • Robert Neal
  • Robert Neep
  • Robin Abel
  • Robin Williams
  • Ryan Osborne
  • Sarah Keedy
  • Scott Daniels
  • Sevan Janiyan
  • Shane Mc Cormack
  • Sheryl Francis
  • Simon Baker
  • Simon Banks
  • Simon Banks
  • Simon Beevers
  • Simon Bell
  • Simon Fieldhouse
  • Simon Lockhart
  • Stefan Wahl
  • Stephen Maloney
  • Steve Glendinning
  • Steve Harrison
  • Steve Housego
  • Steven Axon
  • Steven Rowley
  • Thomas Greer
  • Tim Bray
  • Tim Chown
  • Tim Dobson
  • Tim Fletcher
  • Tim Preston
  • Tom Bird
  • Tom Hill
  • Tom Hodgson
  • Tom Moynihan
  • Tony McKenzie
  • Tref Davies
  • Victor Hahn
  • Vlad Galu
  • Will Embrey
  • Will Hargrave
  • William Hulley
    • 09:30
      Registration Foyer, Exchange Rooms 8, 9 & 10

      Foyer, Exchange Rooms 8, 9 & 10

      Manchester Central

      Windmill Street, Manchester,M2 3GX
    • 1
      Optical Fibre Ageing (Platinum Sponsor Presentation) Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Manchester Central

      Windmill Street, Manchester,M2 3GX
      Speaker: Andy Rawnsley (Gamma Telecom)
      Presentation Video
    • 2
      LTE as a Video Distribution Network Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Manchester Central

      Windmill Street, Manchester,M2 3GX
      To effectively deal with the forecast tsunami of mobile video, mobile networks need to evolve from communications networks to video distribution networks. There are technology disjoints in end to end mobile video delivery, which drives a need for increased communication and knowledge share between all parties in the chain. Industry-wide engagement will create a mobile video ecosystem, improve customer experience, encourage innovation and ensure the long term viability of the mobile video industry.
      Speaker: Mr Bob Sleigh (EE)
      Presentation Video
    • 3
      Spring Forward(ing) - Evolving IP/MPLS Networks with Segment Routing Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Manchester Central

      Windmill Street, Manchester,M2 3GX
      Segment Routing is a new approach to implementing IP/MPLS networks proposed within the IETF. It aims to simplify the control plane implementation of existing MPLS networks, as well as to address the challenge of providing scalable source routing capabilities to MPLS - both for service provision, traffic engineering and fast re-route. This talk aims to provide an introduction to the motivations for SR, the fundamentals of the architecture, and some example use cases -- touching upon the potential direction that this approach could point to for IP/MPLS networks in the future.
      Speaker: Mr Rob Shakir (BT)
      Presentation Video
    • 4
      Imtech ICT & the Juniper Networks MX BNG (Gold Sponsor Presentation) Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Manchester Central

      Windmill Street, Manchester,M2 3GX
      Imtech ICT, Juniper Networks UKI Partner of the Year delivers a presentation on Deploying Scalable Services on an MX Series Router Acting as a Broadband Network Gateway - Imtech ICT & the Juniper Networks MX BNG
      Speaker: Mr David Clisby (Imtech ICT)
      Presentation Video
    • 11:35
      Morning Coffee Break Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Manchester Central

      Windmill Street, Manchester,M2 3GX
    • 5
      No Help Desk for Light Switches Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Manchester Central

      Windmill Street, Manchester,M2 3GX
      Increasing numbers of Internet-connected fridges and grandparents, together with cloud-based service delivery hysteria, are pushing availability requirements for web-accessible services through the roof. Subscribers are less interested in the reasons for failure, and are largely disinclined to try and call anybody for help (who would they call?) Service unavailability leads to lost subscribers, lost momentum and fear of lost investment and business failure. Being up is important. Small, upstart web properties have options for outsourcing pieces of their infrastructure and operations to get a leg up on network and platform availability. With escalating availability requirements and a desire to be able to serve hot markets opportunistically, we consider how deep we can dig this particular rabbit-hole. We describe some of our thinking about how to scale our current service delivery platform from 20 sites globally to something much, much, much (much) bigger. We consider logistics, security, provisioning, manageability, monitoring and measurement, and begin to paint a picture of DNS service at a scale not previously seen on the Internet.
      Speaker: Joe Abley (Dyn)
      Presentation Video
    • 6
      New exposure for DNS infrastructure Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Manchester Central

      Windmill Street, Manchester,M2 3GX
      DNS amplification attacks have evolved considerably and now regularly stress DNS resolvers, networks, and operations teams. Attackers can easily generate gigabits of traffic with modest skills and resources by targeting home gateways with open DNS proxies. Tens of millions of these devices are scattered across the internet and Best Common Practices such as preventing address spoofing and restricting IP ranges that can access provider resolvers do not deter these attacks. Since vulnerable home gateways won't be updated anytime soon this presentation will cover other ways to identify and mitigate attacks without impacting legitimate DNS traffic.
      Speaker: Mr Ralf Weber (Nominum)
    • 7
      Ofcom SDN study Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Manchester Central

      Windmill Street, Manchester,M2 3GX
      This presentation sets out the scope of a research study that Fujitsu are carrying out for Ofcom on Software Defined Networking and its impact on carrier networks. The presentation summarises the initial thinking with respect to the business, technology and other impacts of SDN and requests feedback from interested organisations.
      Speaker: Christopher Gallon (Fujitsu/Ofcom)
      Presentation Video
    • 12:55
      Lunch Break Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Manchester Central

      Windmill Street, Manchester,M2 3GX
    • 8
      PGP Signing Exchange Room 11

      Exchange Room 11

      Manchester Central

      Windmill Street, Manchester,M2 3GX
      Speaker: Mr Matthew Walster (LMAX Exchange)
    • 9
      RIPE Atlas Probes Distribution Exchange Room 11

      Exchange Room 11

      Manchester Central

      Windmill Street, Manchester,M2 3GX
      Speaker: Mr Fearghas McKay (UKNOF)
    • 10
      Comcast's IPv6 Deployment Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Manchester Central

      Windmill Street, Manchester,M2 3GX
      The beginning of Comcast's IPv6 program dates back to 2005, in 2013 the cable operator grew to become the world's largest IPv6 deployment. Join us in this session to learn more about the operator's IPv6 journey and how Comcast has and will continue to leverage IPv6 to support growth and fuel innovation. During this session you will also hear what Comcast has on tap for the next generation consumer services specifically around IP enabled voice, video, and data. Finally, as part of this session you will also learn more about Comcast's pioneering work advancing the state of cable home networks and how the same is foundational and a key enabler for other advancements in next generation home networking.
      Speaker: John Brzozowski (Comcast)
      Presentation Video
    • 11
      Routing IPv6 in the Homenet Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Manchester Central

      Windmill Street, Manchester,M2 3GX
      As more and more ISPs provide IPv6 to residential subscribers, the IETF Homenet Working Group has been aiming to to “raise the bar” for networking in the home, allowing for global, end to end, IP connectivity not just to the home, but within the home as well. Mark will talk about what has been going on in the IETF as well as Open Standards development in order improve our home network experience and set the stage for future innovation.
      Speaker: Mark Townsley (Cisco)
      Presentation Video
    • 12
      Janet6: Building a national 100GE network. Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Manchester Central

      Windmill Street, Manchester,M2 3GX
      Over the past year, Janet, which serves education and research in the UK, has been refreshed with a new dark fibre infrastructure. At the start of Janet’s 30th anniversary year, this presentation will describe some of the design decisions that went into building Janet6, some of the lessons we learned whilst we were building it, and where we’re looking to go from here.
      Speaker: Rob Evans (UKNOF/JANET)
      Presentation Video
    • 13
      FTTH for the last 5% Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Manchester Central

      Windmill Street, Manchester,M2 3GX
      B4RN is building an FTTH network in the deeply rural areas around the Lune Valley and forest of Bowland AONB. The area covers 420Km2 but contains only 3500 properties. The project will deliver PtP 1Gbs symmetrical to every property within the 23 parishes included in the scheme. With an average dig distance of >200m per property this would normally be considered totally uneconomic for any telecoms company to do yet alone at a monthly cost of £30 which is what B4RN charges. However B4RN has adopted two techniques to make it possible. Firstly the fibre is laid cross country across private land with the land owners granting free wayleaves. Narrow bore 16mm duct is used with mini fibre cables then blown in using 15bar compressors. Counts of up to 192f are being installed with blow distances of up to 2Km achieved. Secondly the funding is coming from within the community via a shares issue by B4RN inviting people to invest in the project. Investment can be via cash or sweat with those having the cash opting to put money in whilst those with the time and ability invest their sweat digging ducts and installing the network components.
      Speaker: Prof. Barry Forde (B4RN)
      Presentation Video
    • 14
      F5: DDoS Equals Pain (Gold Sponsor Presentation) Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Manchester Central

      Windmill Street, Manchester,M2 3GX
      DDoS what is it and how does it affect me DDoS the ecosystem Detection and Mitigation techniques Beyond DDoS
      Speaker: Mr Richard Bible (F5 Networks)
      Presentation Video
    • 16:10
      Afternoon Coffee Break Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Manchester Central

      Windmill Street, Manchester,M2 3GX
    • 15
      Panel: "Really Regional?" - the challenges of a non-London centred network Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Manchester Central

      Windmill Street, Manchester,M2 3GX
      How hard is it to build a network which is independent of London? Can you take an existing network with a heavy London concentration and turn it into something more distributed? What about being regional from scratch? What might it look like to the rest of the UK if a significant network failure were to hit London? New regional connectivity initiatives in the UK are currently proving to be areas of significant activity, enabled by a mixture of community activity, new entrants into the colo market and a desire to deliver bandwidth more locally as volumes increase as a result of highspeed broadband rollout. The panellists hope to discuss such questions and more.
      Speakers: David Reader (Zen), Mike Hughes (UKNOF), Dr Mike Kelly (Datacentred Ltd), Mr Neil McRae (BT), Peter Taphouse (Bytemark)
      Presentation Video
    • 16
      Ansible for configuration management Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Manchester Central

      Windmill Street, Manchester,M2 3GX
      Ansible is a new configuration and system management tool written in python. It has quite a large library of modules to manage various aspects of a Linux system, and new modules are being added all the time. It's also trivial to write one's own custom modules using a simple API. Ansible differs from tools like cfengine and puppet in one major area: it's push-based. In other words, there's no central server for nodes to connect to. Instead, you can connect to all managed nodes over just regular SSH, and perform system reconfiguration and enforce state. However, if one wants to use a cfengine or puppet-like model with ansible, it is also possible, using ansible's local mode. This is how we're using it at the RIPE NCC, and my presentation will talk more about this, along with some of the ideas we've developed.
      Speaker: Mr Anand Buddhdev (RIPE NCC)
      Presentation Video
    • 17
      NICC Standards Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Manchester Central

      Windmill Street, Manchester,M2 3GX
      NICC Standards is the design authority for the UK telecoms network. Its role is to agree interoperability standards between the UK fixed and mobile telecoms providers, including interconnection and access. NICC’s output is used by Government and Ofcom to inform their policy formulation. This presentation will give a summary of NICC’s history, its current work plan, its current membership, and how to get involved to shape future standards.
      Speaker: Mr Paul Rosbotham (NICC Standards)
      Presentation Video
    • 18
      IPv6 Matrix: IPv6 deployment monitoring Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Manchester Central

      Windmill Street, Manchester,M2 3GX
      Speaker: Dr Tim Chown (University of Southampton)
      Presentation Video
    • 18:30
      Social Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

      Manchester Central

      Windmill Street, Manchester,M2 3GX