UKNOF closed down during 2024, and this site is now only active as an archive of previous events and presentations.

22 January 2015
etc Venues Bishopsgate
Europe/London timezone

SDN/NFV Truths (Imtech/Axians Sponsor Presentation)

22 Jan 2015, 12:25
etc Venues Bishopsgate

etc Venues Bishopsgate

155 Bishopsgate Liverpool Street London EC2M 3YD
Sponsor Presentations


Mr Stuart Bates (Imtech/Axians)


Everyone has heard how SDN/NFV will solve poverty, create world peace and save the whales but are there any actual truths in what you've been told and in what you believe about SDN/NFV solutions? In this presentation, we will share some of the common perceptions and misconceptions from the UK's SP community when discussing SDN/NFV and give you our 'truths' without a single mention of any product.

Primary author

Mr Stuart Bates (Imtech/Axians)

Presentation materials