UKNOF is being closed down during 2024, and this site is now only active as an archive of previous events and presentations.

20 April 2015
Manchester Central Convention Complex
Europe/London timezone

Tales of the unexpected revisited - handling unusual DNS client behaviour (the sequel)

20 Apr 2015, 10:55
Charter 1, 2 & 3 (Manchester Central Convention Complex)

Charter 1, 2 & 3

Manchester Central Convention Complex

Petersfield Manchester M2 3GX
Lightning Talks


Ms Cathy Almond (Internet Systems Consortium)


Experiences of unusual DNS query patterns have been the focus of many recent talks that have examined the sources, targets and intent of this traffic, as well as the impact seen by authoritative servers and resolvers alike. Last year, ISC proposed and then started trialling experimental recursive client rate limiting techniques in BIND, with the intent of limiting the impact of this unwanted traffic on both servers and DNS clients alike. This talk briefly recaps some of the problems that can be encountered and then presents a review of the effectiveness of the techniques that were introduced, along with results from live production environments.

Primary author

Ms Cathy Almond (Internet Systems Consortium)

Presentation materials