UKNOF closed down during 2024, and this site is now only active as an archive of previous events and presentations.

20 April 2015
Manchester Central Convention Complex
Europe/London timezone

UKNOF31 Sponsors

UKNOF31 Meeting Sponsors


Gold Sponsors


A10 Logo

A10 Networks is a technology leader in application networking, providing a range of high-performance application networking solutions that help organizations ensure that their data center applications and networks remain highly available, accelerated and secure. Founded in 2004, A10 Networks is based in San Jose, Calif., and serves customers globally with offices worldwide.

Axians Logo

Axians Networks (formally Imtech ICT UK) has a proven track record in delivering highly complex technical infrastructure projects and carrier class networking solutions to service provider and public sector customers worldwide.


IX Reach Logo

IX Reach is the global number one reseller for Internet Exchange Points and a leading provider of wholesale carrier solutions such as, IX remote peering, low latency global high-speed point-to-point and multipoint capacity, metro and DWDM in major cities, enterprise business IP, BGP transit, cloud connectivity solutions and colocation.

The IX Reach platform enables carriers, ISPs, content providers and enterprises of all sizes to quickly and easily increase their network footprint without the need to invest heavily in their own infrastructure or increase resources.

Discover new markets and endless possibilities with IX Reach. For more information, visit

Silver Sponsor


ADVA Optical Logo

At ADVA Optical Networking we're creating new opportunities for tomorrow's networks, a new vision for a connected world. Our intelligent telecommunications hardware, software and services have been deployed by several hundred service providers and thousands of enterprises, helping them drive their networks forward. For more information, please visit us at

The Loop Logo

Part of Gamma Communications PLC, The Loop is one of Manchester’s fastest growing and most significant fibre networks. It provides connectivity between most of Manchester’s leading datacentres along with Point to Point Managed Bandwidth (1Gb or 10Gb) between Leeds, Manchester and London. With a well-established and efficient civils service, it can also provide bespoke networks to suit specific location requirements.

Fully supported 24 x 7 by our Network Operations Centre in Manchester, The Loop can provide resilient, uncontended fibre to the premises internet access with speeds of 50Mb to 1Gb. Join a growing number of leading business brands and telco’s who are finding The Loop to be one of most efficient, reliable and competitive infrastructure providers in Manchester.

ThousandEyes Logo

ThousandEyes helps your IT teams solve application performance problems caused by network issues. With the adoption of cloud applications such as Salesforce and WebEx, enterprises are becoming heavily reliant on networks outside of their control. This creates new challenges in troubleshooting performance issues, both inside and outside the corporate network.

ThousandEyes provides application-aware network visibility, root-cause analysis, and a data sharing platform for your vendors and clients. ThousandEyes helps you pinpoint DNS, connectivity, routing, latency, and throughput issues more easily and resolve them faster.

Meeting Support Sponsors

Datacentred Logo Coffee Breaks



DataCentred provide regional, carrier-rich co-location services, combined with next generation shared computer processing and storage solutions (Infrastructure-as-a-Service "IaaS") from our Michigan Park facility in Salford. The Michigan Park facility comprises 2,972 square metres with capacity for 850 racks and is located on the MediaCityUK campus.

RIPE NCC Logo  Lunch Upgrade

The RIPE NCC is an independent, not-for-profit membership organisation that supports the infrastructure of the Internet through technical coordination in its service region. The most prominent activity of the RIPE NCC is to act as the Regional Internet Registry (RIR) providing global Internet resources and related services (IPv4, IPv6, AS Number resources) to members in the RIPE NCC service region.

The membership consists mainly of Internet Service Providers (ISPs), telecommunications organisations and large corporations located in Europe, the Middle East and parts of Central Asia.

The RIPE NCC also provides services for the benefit of the Internet community at large.

Call for sponsors for UKNOF31 has now closed. If you are interesting in being a sponsor at a future UKNOF, such as UKNOF32 in September - we have a number of opportunities available, please email to discuss.