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19 January 2016
etc Venues Bishopsgate
Europe/London timezone

Turris Omnia

19 Jan 2016, 15:00
etc Venues Bishopsgate

etc Venues Bishopsgate

155 Bishopsgate Liverpool Street London EC2M 3YD
Main Session


Mr Ondrej Filip (CZ.NIC)


Hello! I would like to present news from Turris Project. In the first part of the presentation I plan to mention news mainly from security area and also about our new IoT research project. Turris is acting as large honeypot and it's able to track botnets.E.g. we found a large number of ASUS devices that has a single C&C and tries to increase number of bots. The IoT research is called Turris Gadgets. And we took a similar approach as in the whole Turris project. We picked 100 most active users and gave them sensors and power relays for free and asked to created something new and innovative. And in the second half of the presentation I would like to introduce a new publicly available open source router Turris Omnia. It has many enhancements e.g. it smaller than previous Turris project. It has SFP cage. And of course it's a normal router, able to forward 1Gbps of traffic and supporting routing protocols (BGP/OSPF) and IPv6.

Primary author

Mr Ondrej Filip (CZ.NIC)

Presentation materials