UKNOF is being closed down during 2024, and this site is now only active as an archive of previous events and presentations.

UKNOF33 (London)

etc Venues Bishopsgate

etc Venues Bishopsgate

155 Bishopsgate Liverpool Street London EC2M 3YD
Keith Mitchell (UKNOF)

Participant Survey: (until Sunday 7 February 2016)

Presentation Videos

Live Webcast: (now ended)


IRC Chatroom:

Twitter hashtag: #UKNOF33

We are thankful to our sponsors for supporting UKNOF, enabling us to keep attendance at UKNOF meetings mainly free.




IPv4 Market group







Metaswitch      ProLabs


Bogons       Bytemark      Jump Networks     Portfast     


PINTS N' PACKETS Networking Event



ADVA Optical
     Ai Networks     AQL

     sohonet     Xantaro


Registration: Registrations are now open at the REGISTRATIONS PAGE.

Call for Presentations: Now closed.

Volunteers: We always appreciate volunteer help in setting up and running UKNOF events. If you're interested in helping at UKNOF33, please indicate this on the registration form. Our helpers always make a big difference.

Sponsors: We have the following sponsor opportunities for UKNOF33 and 2016:

  • Meeting Sponsorships
  • UKNOF Social / Pints n' Promos Sponsorships
  • Individual and Organisation Patron Sponsorships for 2016
Further details in our Call for Sponsors page. We are grateful to our sponsors, enabling us to keep attendance at the meeting mainly free.

If you are interested in supporting UKNOF, please contact us on


  • A.J. Wolski
  • Abdulkareem Ali
  • Adam Clark
  • Alan Barnett
  • Aled Morris
  • Ali Mustafa
  • Andrei Robachevsky
  • Andrew Baldwin
  • Andrew Cormack
  • Andrew Ellam
  • Andrew Nicks
  • Andrew Smith
  • Andrey Gazizov
  • Andy Davidson
  • Andy Harding
  • Andy Howard
  • Andy Hunter
  • Andy Rawnsley
  • Anthony barnard
  • Anthony Turner
  • Ashley Stephenson
  • Barry Lalor
  • Barry Latch
  • Barry O'Donovan
  • Bartek Raszczyk
  • Ben Maddison
  • Ben McKeegan
  • Ben Roeder
  • Ben Ward
  • Benedicte Titley
  • Bipin Mistry
  • Bjoern A. Zeeb
  • Bob Sleigh
  • Brandon Butterworth
  • Brett Carr
  • Brian Austin
  • Brian Nisbet
  • bulent tuncel
  • Bulent Tuncel
  • Catalin Dominte
  • Cathy Almond
  • Charlie Allom
  • Charlie Boisseau
  • Charlie Stedman
  • Chi Hoang
  • Chris Bagnall
  • Chris Cousins
  • Chris Gilmour
  • Chris Gray
  • Chris Lewis-Evans
  • Chris Pelling
  • Chris Ralph
  • Chris Russell
  • Chris Sell
  • Chris Wilkie
  • Christian de Larrinaga
  • Christopher Orsman
  • Christopher Sharp
  • Christopher Walsh
  • Ciara McCarthy
  • Clive Gardner
  • Clive Stone
  • Colin Petrie
  • Craig Gallen
  • Dan Peachey
  • Dan Springett
  • Daniel Goscomb
  • Darren O'Connor
  • David Brebner
  • David Cousins
  • David Farrell
  • David Freedman
  • David Reader
  • David Rothera
  • David Simmons
  • David Sullivan
  • David Sullivan
  • David Tomalin
  • David Whitaker
  • David Wilkinson
  • Davide Barbaro
  • dean krause
  • Dean Moore
  • Debbie Casey
  • Denesh Bhabuta
  • Dennis Jewth
  • Dennis Marquez
  • Des Turley
  • Donal Cunningham
  • Duncan Lockwood
  • Eddy Egunjobi
  • Edward Harrison
  • Edwin Punt
  • Emma Saunders
  • Fearghal MacGowan
  • Gareth Llewellyn
  • Gary Hallberg
  • Gary Hawkins
  • Gary Steers
  • Gavin Brown
  • George Cox
  • Gina Habbin
  • Graham Johnson
  • Grant Kaufmann
  • Greg Choules
  • Gunter Van de Velde
  • Gyula Robel
  • Hal Ponton
  • Hamlesh Motah
  • Henry Merrett
  • Henry Merrett
  • Hisham Elezaby
  • Hugh Cartwright
  • Ian Dickinson
  • Ian Goodall
  • Ignas Bagdonas
  • Ilya Davidenko
  • Irfan Patel
  • Ivan Beveridge
  • Iñigo Ortiz de Urbina Cazenave
  • Jaco Engelbrecht
  • Jakub Heichman
  • Jamaica Bloch
  • James Blessing
  • James Cumming
  • James Harrison
  • James Lewis
  • James O'Brien
  • James Parker
  • James Rice
  • Jamie Bird
  • Jamie Lesley
  • Janos Farkas
  • Jason Grant
  • Jason Mendonca
  • Jason Moate
  • Javed Vohra
  • Joanne Duffy
  • Job Snijders
  • John Benson
  • John Bourke
  • John Bretherick
  • John Mahon
  • John McSorley
  • John Souter
  • Jon Isbell
  • Jon Morby
  • Jon Starling
  • Jonathan Flaherty
  • Jonathan Fowler
  • Jonathan Quinn
  • Jonty Hewlett
  • Joseph Ball
  • Joseph Waite
  • June Harris
  • Karl Austin
  • Karl Dyson
  • Kay Rechthien
  • Kazuhiro Tsuchimoto
  • Keeran Marquis
  • Keith Mitchell
  • Kristian Van Der Vliet
  • Lahai Senesie
  • Lance Wright
  • Lee Hetherington
  • Liam Glover
  • Liz Fletcher
  • Lucie Usher
  • Luke Overend
  • Luke Sheldrick
  • Lyndon Fawcett
  • Malcolm Murphy
  • Marcin Wojcik
  • marcus l
  • Marcus Stoegbauer
  • Marek Isalski
  • Maria Farrell
  • Mariano Julia
  • Mark Castle
  • Mark Downey
  • Mark Holder
  • Mark McFadden
  • Mark Stitson
  • Mark Stokes
  • Mark Taplin
  • Martin Atkinson
  • Martin Clare
  • Martin Evans
  • Martin Gough
  • Marty Strong
  • Massimiliano Stucchi
  • Mat Hart
  • Matt Bearpark
  • Matt Dinham
  • Matt Singh
  • Matt Wilson
  • Matthew Ford
  • Matthew Gray
  • Matthew Skipsey
  • Matthew Walster
  • Matyas Prokop
  • Melanie Coles
  • Melanie Horsford
  • Michael Daly
  • Michael Downs
  • Mike Dell
  • Mike Fletcher
  • Mike Hughes
  • Mike Simkins
  • Mital Patel
  • Mohamed Ahmad
  • Moshin Elahi
  • Nat Morris
  • Neil McRae
  • Neil Miller
  • Nicholas Hart
  • Nicholas Race
  • Nick Bustin
  • Nick Critchell
  • Nick Heatley
  • Nick Howes
  • Nick Pedder
  • Nick Ryce
  • Nicola Dux
  • Nicolas CARTRON
  • Nigel Rodrigues
  • Nigel Titley
  • Olga Kyryliak
  • Oliver Leaver-Smith
  • Oliver Pennington
  • Olivier Crepin-Leblond
  • Ondrej Filip
  • Panayiotis Malialis
  • Patrick Sumby
  • Paul Burrows
  • Paul Dart
  • Paul Dawson
  • Paul Lawrence
  • Paul Lettington
  • Paul Lewis
  • Paul Mansfield
  • Paul Martin
  • Paul Thornton
  • Paul Williams
  • Perry Young
  • Pete Bristow
  • Peter Cutler
  • Peter Head
  • Peter Mills
  • Peter Stanier
  • Peter Stanier
  • Peter Stevens
  • Phil Davenport
  • Piers O'Hanlon
  • Primoz Secnick
  • Raul Landa
  • Ray Bellis
  • Rebecca Class-Peter
  • Rebecca Smiley
  • Rebecca Stanic
  • Rex Wickham
  • Rich Spragg
  • Richard Clayton
  • Richard Harris
  • Richard Hesketh
  • Richard Irving
  • Richard Norman
  • Richard Patterson
  • Richard Shaw
  • Richard Thompson
  • Richard Yule
  • Ricky Blaikie
  • Rob Evans
  • Rob Golding
  • Rob Harrison
  • Rob Mitchelmore
  • Robert Atkinson
  • Robert Lister
  • Rohan Bhalerao
  • Roisin King
  • Roland Perry
  • Ronan Mullally
  • Russ Garrett
  • Russell Haworth
  • Russell Heilling
  • Ryan Humbasha
  • Ryan Landry
  • Sabri Zaman
  • Sam Hickling
  • Sam Smith
  • Sammy Davitt
  • Samuel McCallum
  • Sander Steffann
  • Sando Anoff
  • Sandra Brown
  • Sandy Breeze
  • Sarah Martin
  • Sean Newman
  • Seth Tunstall
  • Sevan Janiyan
  • Simon Burke
  • Simon Chrich
  • Simon Helson
  • Simon Lockhart
  • Simon Luff
  • Simon Money
  • Simon Nicol
  • Simon Swaysland
  • Sofia Alvarez Neira
  • sonal desai
  • Spyridon Fragkanastasis
  • Sreenath Kamatham
  • Stefan van Hooft
  • Stephanie Shelford
  • Stephen Crick
  • Stephen Maloney
  • Stephen Morris
  • stephen nuthall
  • Stephen Pointer
  • Steve Carbery
  • Steve Dyer
  • Steve Groombridge
  • Steve Jones
  • Steve Karmeinsky
  • Steve Kingdom
  • Steve Lalonde
  • Steve Lockwood
  • Steve Seymour
  • Taki Milionis
  • Tema Hassan
  • Terry Froy
  • Terry Pattinson
  • Thomas Greer
  • Thomas Menari
  • Tim Anker
  • Tim Chown
  • Tim Franklin
  • Tim Robinson
  • Tim Rossiter
  • Tom Bird
  • Tom Hodgson
  • Tom Price
  • Tomas Morales
  • Tony Pearson
  • Tony Thorley
  • Trefor Davies
  • Veronika McKillop
  • Vlad Galu
  • Volkan Dil
  • Walter Rossi
  • Will Hargrave
  • Will Purkiss
  • William Hilsum
  • William Hulley
  • William Jones
  • William King
  • William Manzione
  • William Wager
  • Willie Black
  • Yas Patel
  • Yassin Nahi
  • Zoe O'Connell
    • 09:00 10:00
      Registration and Breakfast 1h
    • 09:55 10:00
      Welcome and Information 5m
      Speaker: Mr Keith Mitchell (UKNOF)
    • 10:00 10:30
      Network Attachment Privacy 30m
      In the process of network attachment to IEEE 802 networks a mobile device can potentially reveal a lot about where its user has been and when. The current use of an immutable link-layer address also facilitates persistent tracking. These privacy issues are firstly down to the design of the link layer addressing and protocols, and secondly due to protocols used in IP address acquisition or reacquisition (e.g. DHCP, DNA). The current situation is now starting to change, with some devices beginning to use ephemeral link-layer addressing and also improving their implementation of address acquisition protocols. Furthermore a number of standards bodies are starting to take privacy more seriously and have begun various efforts to address it.
      Speaker: Mr Piers O'Hanlon (University of Oxford)
      Presentation Video
    • 10:30 11:00
      IPv6 Community Best Practices: Unique IPv6 Prefix Per Host 30m
      In some IPv6 environments the need has arisen for hosts to be able to utilise a unique IPv6 prefix even though the link or media may be shared. Typically hosts subscribers) on a shared network, like Wi-Fi or Ethernet, will acquire unique IPv6 addresses from a common IPv6 prefix that is allocated or assigned for use on a specific link. Benefits of a unique IPv6 prefix compared to a unique IPv6 address from the service provider are going from enhanced subscriber management to improved isolation between subscribers. In most deployments today IPv6 address assignment from a single IPv6 prefix on a shared network is done by either using IPv6 stateless address auto-configuration (SLAAC) and/or stateful DHCPv6. While this is still viable and operates as designed there are some large scale environments where this concept introduces significant performance challenges and implications, specifically related to IPv6 router and neighbor discovery. This presentation will provide an overview of how IPv6 community Wi-Fi best common practices documented in draft-ietf-v6ops-unique-ipv6-prefix-per-host.
      Speaker: Mr Gunter Van de Velde (Alcatel-Lucent)
      Presentation Video
    • 11:00 11:15
      Corero Sponsor Presentation - SDN/NFV DDoS Requirements 15m
      "The Mobile Use Case – 5G" SP carrier architectures are changing and evolving this will drive the need for a more holistic security posture. Security cannot be an after thought and I will use 5G a an example.
      Speaker: Bipin Mistry (Corero Network Security)
      Presentation Video
    • 11:15 11:45
      Morning Coffee Break 30m
    • 11:45 12:00
      DHCPKit: a customisable DHCPv6 server 15m
      When deploying IPv6 on a Dutch FttH network I found no open source DHCPv6 server suitable for that scenario. All of them are designed for a dynamic network, while the ISP wants to assign fixed IPv6 prefixes to customers and not assign anything else. Such a configuration was a hack as best and made the DHCPv6 server shut itself down at worst. So I wrote my own fully customisable DHCPv6 server in Python3 and made it open source. This is the result.
      Speaker: Mr Sander Steffann (S.J.M. Steffann)
      Presentation Video
    • 12:00 12:15
      UK IPv6 Council Status Update 15m
      The global trend of exponential growth of IPv6 traffic continues and since summer 2015, the UK internet user IPv6 traffic started to grow too. Let's look at this a little bit closer and also at what we can expect in the near future. This session will cover the latest development in IPv6 deployments on global and the UK level, as well as it will update the attendees on the UK IPv6 Council and their activities.
      Speaker: Veronika McKillop (Cisco)
      Presentation Video
    • 12:15 12:30
      Sky Broadband IPv6 Update 15m
      A brief update on the IPv6 rollout at Sky Broadband
      Speaker: Mr Ian Dickinson (Sky UK Ltd)
      Presentation Video
    • 12:30 12:45
      IPv4 Market Group Sponsor Presentation - IPv4 Price Trends 15m
      Speaker: Mrs Sandra Brown (IPv4 Market Group)
      Presentation Video
    • 12:45 14:00
      Lunch Break 1h 15m
    • 13:00 13:30
      PGP signing session 30m
      Speaker: Mr Luke Sheldrick (an0key)
    • 14:00 14:50
      Operational Considerations of the Investigatory Powers Bill
      Convener: Mr Neil McRae (BT)
      • 14:00
        A Telecomms Operator view of the draft Investigatory Powers Bill 20m
        In November 2015 the Government published a 299-page draft Investigatory Powers Bill for pre-legislative scrutiny. A full Bill is likely to be introduced into Parliament early in 2016. This talk will summarise the new powers the draft Bill would give the Home Secretary and suggest how telecoms operators might prepare for them.
        Speaker: Mr Andrew Cormack (Jisc)
        Presentation Video
      • 14:20
        Investigatory Powers Panel Discussion 30m
        Speakers: Mr Andrew Cormack (Jisc), Ms Zoe O'Connell (Metail)
        Presentation Video
    • 14:50 15:00
      Cambridge Cloud Cybercrime Centre 10m
      The Cambridge Cloud Cybercrime Centre is a brand new multi-disciplinary initiative combining expertise from the University of Cambridge's Computer Laboratory, Institute of Criminology and Faculty of Law. Our approach is data driven. We have already negotiated access to some very substantial datasets relating to cybercrime and we aim to leverage our neutral academic status to obtain more data and build one of the largest and most diverse data sets that any organisation holds.
      Speaker: Dr Richard Clayton
      Presentation Video
    • 15:00 15:30
      Turris Omnia 30m
      Hello! I would like to present news from Turris Project. In the first part of the presentation I plan to mention news mainly from security area and also about our new IoT research project. Turris is acting as large honeypot and it's able to track botnets.E.g. we found a large number of ASUS devices that has a single C&C and tries to increase number of bots. The IoT research is called Turris Gadgets. And we took a similar approach as in the whole Turris project. We picked 100 most active users and gave them sensors and power relays for free and asked to created something new and innovative. And in the second half of the presentation I would like to introduce a new publicly available open source router Turris Omnia. It has many enhancements e.g. it smaller than previous Turris project. It has SFP cage. And of course it's a normal router, able to forward 1Gbps of traffic and supporting routing protocols (BGP/OSPF) and IPv6.
      Speaker: Mr Ondrej Filip (CZ.NIC)
      Presentation Video
    • 15:30 15:45
      ThousandEyes Sponsor Presentation: Learning from Major Outages in 2015 15m
      Over the course of 2015, we've collected data on numerous network outages in the UK and beyond. We'll share data on several notable events including: a major DNS provider outage, a data center connectivity failure at a large gaming company, a route leak affecting a hosting provider, and availability issues that impacted a social network. This talk will provide you with new ideas on how to capture and interpret performance data, particularly as it relates to issues of DNS, routing and internetworking.
      Speaker: Mr Primoz Secnik (ThousandEyes)
      Presentation Video
    • 15:45 16:15
      Afternoon Coffee Break 30m
    • 16:15 16:30
      How can we work together to improve security and resilience of the global routing system? 15m
      Why and what kind of collective effort is needed to improve the security and resilience of the global Internet routing system? One of the approaches is the Routing Resilience Manifesto initiative, which features the Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) document (https: // This initiative launched last year by several leading network operators, combined public commitment, action as well as a minimum baseline for routing security.
      Speaker: Mr Andrei Robachevsky (Internet Society)
      Presentation Video
    • 16:30 16:45
      Routing Announcement Certification & Validation with RPKI 15m
      RPKI is a protocol to help make the routing on the internet more robust and secure. In this lightning talk I will introduce how to configure your routers to support it, and how to certify your routing announcements.
      Speaker: Mr Massimiliano Stucchi (RIPE NCC)
      Presentation Video
    • 16:45 17:15
      Phishing, Malware & Fraud Attacks & Countermeasures within the .NL TLD 30m
      Netcraft is positioned at the epicentre of the battle against phishing, malware, & online fraud, and, through its anti-phishing community, has detected and blocked over 18.5 million unique phishing sites to date. Since late 2014, SIDN, the registry in charge of the .NL TLD, has been using Netcraft's services to protect .NL against phishing & malware This talk will provide a case study on the types of attacks seen and the impact countermeasures has had on abuse within the TLD.
      Speaker: Mr Jon Isbell (Netcraft)
      Presentation Video
    • 17:15 17:45
      Simple, Secure, Scalable virtual networking for the virtualised data centre 30m
      The modern data centre is now awash with virtualised and containerised workloads serving largely IP based applications. A typical data centre might have 1000s of hosts, running 10s of thousands of VMs, 100s of thousands containers or much more. Networking between these workloads is critical, yet many existing virtual networking technologies aren't built with this level of scale in mind. This presentation introduces Project Calico, an Open Source networking project which is built using the same technologies as the Internet in order to provide the scale, security and simplicity required in the modern data centre.
      Speaker: Mr Edward Harrison (Metaswitch Networks / Project Calico)
      Presentation Video
    • 17:50 19:50
      Pints n' Packets 2h

      UKNOF33 Networking Event