UKNOF is being closed down during 2024, and this site is now only active as an archive of previous events and presentations.

21 April 2016
Manchester Central Convention Complex
Europe/London timezone

The evolution of an educational WAN

21 Apr 2016, 14:30
Manchester Central Convention Complex

Manchester Central Convention Complex

Petersfield Manchester M2 3GX
Main Session


Mr Robin Williams (TNP Ltd)


- Background of Lancaster Uni networks (CANLMAN/CLEO/Commercial) CLEO network – the model - Design phases - Growth - Challenges - Anecdotes - Taken in house in 2011 under a strategic partnership with BT


• Background of Lancaster Uni networks (CANLMAN/CLEO/Commercial)
• CLEO network – the model
• Design phases
o Initial ed-net from the uni
o Initial radio links (SDH core)
o Radio WAN growth (including edge)
o EPS circuit dropouts from core POPs (often edge aggregator sites)
o Exchange unbundling from 2004 on (shift to using exchanges as POPs) – CLEO2 design had 10M to primary and 100M to secondary as standard – many had more
o Dark fibre to some schools – rural schools were linked at 1G with physical north/south resilience
o Decrease in radio backhaul
o Latest iteration (with GEA/FTTC fill-in etc)
• Growth
o Initially research project
o Network used for mobile v6/multicast/qos research
o Throughout 2005-2010 Internet became a much more core service to sites
o Used to connect some council assets
o Use of network to backhaul rural broadband projects (and help install radios etc)
 Alston Cybermoor
 Wennington
 Wray
 Great Asby
 Barley
• Challenges
• Anecdotes
o Wind powered Internet
o Workington bridge failure during 2009 floods (trailer mast use)
o Battery powered temporary relays
o Temporary rural connections (roadside masts)
o Interesting POPs - Great dun fell radar station / Winter hill / Police masts
o Rope access under Carlisle bridge (DF for colleges)
o Backhauling exchanges quickly
• Taken in house in 2011 under a strategic partnership with BT

CLEO covered ~1300 end sites, ~130 BT Exchanges, ~25 different mast sites.

Primary author

Mr Robin Williams (TNP Ltd)

Presentation materials