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27 April 2018
Manchester Central Convention Complex
Europe/London timezone

Memcached - DDoS Moves into the Multi-Terabit Era

27 Apr 2018, 15:30
Charter 1, 2 & 3 (Manchester Central Convention Complex)

Charter 1, 2 & 3

Manchester Central Convention Complex

Petersfield Manchester M2 3GX
Sponsor-led Content


Mr Sean Newman (Sponsor)


Although cybercriminals continue to use IoT botnet-powered DDoS to great effect, recent months have seen the rise of a completely different and, to date, much more deadly DDoS attack mechanism. This latest innovation from the cybercriminal community sees the commonplace memcached general-purpose caching system being used to deliver DDoS attacks in the multi-terabit per second range. Understand why this new vector requires an always-on approach to DDoS mitigation and what hosting providers can do to avoid being part of the problem
Talk Duration 15 minutes

Primary author

Mr Sean Newman (Sponsor)

Presentation materials