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15 January 2019
etc Venues Bishopsgate
Europe/London timezone

The deployment of IPv6 data storage on WLCG and UK GridPP

15 Jan 2019, 10:00
Broadgate 1 & 2 (etc Venues Bishopsgate)

Broadgate 1 & 2

etc Venues Bishopsgate

155 Bishopsgate Liverpool Street London EC2M 3YD
Main Session


Dr David Kelsey (STFC UK Research and Innovation)


The Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) project is a global collaboration of more than 170 computing centres in 42 countries, linking up national and international grid infrastructures. The mission of the WLCG project is to provide global computing resources to store, distribute and analyse the ~50-70 Petabytes of data expected every year of operations from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN on the Franco-Swiss border. The UK component of WLCG is called GridPP. Some years ago, it was noted that several important data centres in WLCG were running out of IPv4 address space and so a task force was started to investigate the IPv6-readiness of the LHC experiment software and Grid middleware and a project was started to make the majority of the data storage services available over dual-stack IPv6/IPv4. Once achieved, CPU resources deployed on Clouds or Grids could be IPv6-only. Today in the 18 UK data centres operated by GridPP, more than 50% of the current 34 Petabytes of storage is available over IPv6. This talk will present the work done to enable IPv6 services together with some details of the data transfer services used. Our transition plan to IPv6 and its execution will be included. Not all has been smooth or easy and some details of problems encountered along the way will be described.
Talk Duration 30 minutes
May we live webcast the talk?<br />(recordings will be available publicly online) Yes
May we publish the slides on our website? Yes
Your consent for us to publish your name and<br />affiliation as a Speaker on the UKNOF42 website Yes

Primary author

Dr David Kelsey (STFC UK Research and Innovation)

Presentation materials