UKNOF is being closed down during 2024, and this site is now only active as an archive of previous events and presentations.

UKNOF42 (London)

Broadgate 1 & 2 (etc Venues Bishopsgate)

Broadgate 1 & 2

etc Venues Bishopsgate

155 Bishopsgate Liverpool Street London EC2M 3YD
Keith Mitchell (UKNOF)

The UK Network Operators' Forum is returning to London for UKNOF42 on Tuesday 15th January!

UKNOF events offer an OPEN environment for anyone within or interested in the Internet Industry. Network with industry colleagues, participate in knowledge sharing and freshen up on best practice around network operations and security.

For more information about UKNOF itself, please visit our primary site.

Social Media hashtag: #UKNOF42

We are currently looking for sponsors to support UKNOF. 




IPv4 Market group



PINTS N' PACKETS Networking Event

Corero     Xantaro


Bogons       Portfast     



Registration: Now open

Call for Presentations: Now closed

Webcast: (live on 15 January)

IRC Chatroom:

Twitter hashtag: #UKNOF42

Volunteers: We always appreciate volunteer help in setting up and running UKNOF events. If you're interested in helping at UKNOF42, please indicate this on the registration form. Our helpers always make a big difference.

Sponsors: We have the following funding opportunities for UKNOF in 2019 (covering UKNOF42, UKNOF43 and UKNOF44)

If you are interested in supporting UKNOF, please contact us on

  • Aled Morris
  • Alfie Pates
  • Andy Davidson
  • Anthony Turner
  • Ben Carter
  • Ben Nicklin
  • Ben Roeder
  • Ben Ward
  • Bijal Sanghani
  • Bill Hulley
  • Bob Sleigh
  • Brandon Butterworth
  • Cameron Sharp
  • Cathy Almond
  • Charlie Boisseau
  • Chris Malton
  • Chris Russell
  • Dat Nguyen
  • Dave Overton
  • Dave Pumford
  • Dave Wilson
  • David Athay
  • David Freedman
  • David Groves
  • David Holder
  • David Kelsey
  • David Whitaker
  • David Wray
  • Debbie Casey
  • Denesh Bhabuta
  • Dorian Kim
  • Dunc Lockwood
  • Ed Daniel
  • Elisaveta Radeva
  • Emlyn Jones
  • Fearghas McKay
  • Felipe Grazziotin
  • Francois Blin
  • Gareth Tyson
  • Gary Hawkins
  • Gary Willitts
  • Gavin Davis
  • George Daly
  • George Horton
  • Giannis Georgalis
  • Giulio Chiappini
  • Hal Ponton
  • Halil Kama
  • Ian Dickinson
  • Ian Jarrett
  • Ignacio Castro
  • Ignas Bagdonas
  • Inga Turner
  • Jaco Engelbrecht
  • Jake Lee
  • James Bensley
  • James Crawshaw
  • James Cumming
  • James Harrison
  • James Wheatley
  • Jason Grant
  • Javed Vohra
  • Jeremy Nicholls
  • Joel Van Velden
  • John Bretherick
  • John Mason
  • Jon Taitte
  • Josef Karthauser
  • Joseph Edwards
  • Julian Curtis
  • Kaveh Ranjbar
  • Keith Mitchell
  • Kevin Mitchell
  • Kevin Titmarsh
  • Kurt Erik Lindqvist
  • Lance Davis
  • Laura Winters
  • Layla Nie
  • Lewis Green
  • Lewis Tucker
  • Louis Plissonneau
  • Lyndon Fawcett
  • Marek Isalski
  • Mark Stitson
  • Mark Taplin
  • Markus Arnold
  • Martin Atkinson
  • Martin Clare
  • Martin Evans
  • Massimiliano Stucchi
  • Matt Bearpark
  • Matt Dinham
  • Matt Illingworth
  • Matthew Melbourne
  • Max Machula
  • Max Naylor
  • Melanie Gajic
  • Michael Bloom
  • Michael Leggatt
  • Michael Lewis
  • Michael Willoughby
  • Mike Hughes
  • Nakkita Ahmed
  • Naomi Elia
  • Nat Lasseter
  • Nathalie Trenaman
  • Neath Elliot
  • Nebras Dayoub
  • Neil McRae
  • Neil Simonsen
  • Nicholas Hart
  • Nick Ryce
  • Nico Cartron
  • Nigel Titley
  • Nina Saidi
  • Olga Kyryliak
  • Oliver Pennington
  • Paul Carter
  • Paul Cuttriss
  • Paul Joseph
  • Paul Lawrence
  • Paul Thornton
  • Peter Crocker
  • Peter Cutler
  • Peter Head
  • Phil Kennedy
  • Phil Sykes
  • Philip Hofstad
  • Piotr Malinowski
  • Raphael Maunier
  • Ray Bellis
  • Rebecca Smiley
  • Richard Clegg
  • Richard Hewitt
  • Richard Irving
  • Richard Patterson
  • Rob Evans
  • Rob Golding
  • Rob Neep
  • Robert Hamnett
  • Robert Lister
  • Róisín King
  • Saku Ytti
  • Sally Harvey
  • Salvator Galea
  • Sam Smith
  • Sandra Brown
  • Sandy Breeze
  • Satoru Miyachi
  • Sean Newman
  • Sevan Janiyan
  • Sheik Edoo
  • Simon Davies
  • Simon Emery
  • Simon Helson
  • Simon Lockhart
  • Simon Rainey
  • Simon Swaysland
  • Stephen Austin
  • Stephen Dyer
  • Stephen Jones
  • Stephen Maloney
  • Stephen Marshall
  • Stephen Morris
  • Stephen Pegrum
  • Steve Glendinning
  • Steve Karmeinsky
  • Steve Seymour
  • Steve Tester
  • Steve Wright
  • Stuart Clark
  • Stuart Steele
  • Tahir Hussain
  • Tema Hassan
  • Terry Froy
  • Thomas Greer
  • Thomas Weible
  • Tim Anker
  • Tim Chown
  • Tim Robinson
  • Tim Smith
  • Tom Bird
  • Tomas Morales Mendoza
  • Tony Finch
  • Tristan Bendall
  • Veronika McKillop
  • Will Hargrave
  • Willie Black
UKNOF42 Admin
    • 09:00
      Registration Galleria


      etc Venues Bishopsgate

      155 Bishopsgate Liverpool Street London EC2M 3YD
    • 1
      Introduction and Welcome Broadgate 1 & 2

      Broadgate 1 & 2

      etc Venues Bishopsgate

      155 Bishopsgate Liverpool Street London EC2M 3YD
      Speaker: Mr Keith Mitchell (UKNOF)
    • 2
      The deployment of IPv6 data storage on WLCG and UK GridPP Broadgate 1 & 2

      Broadgate 1 & 2

      etc Venues Bishopsgate

      155 Bishopsgate Liverpool Street London EC2M 3YD
      The Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) project is a global collaboration of more than 170 computing centres in 42 countries, linking up national and international grid infrastructures. The mission of the WLCG project is to provide global computing resources to store, distribute and analyse the ~50-70 Petabytes of data expected every year of operations from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN on the Franco-Swiss border. The UK component of WLCG is called GridPP. Some years ago, it was noted that several important data centres in WLCG were running out of IPv4 address space and so a task force was started to investigate the IPv6-readiness of the LHC experiment software and Grid middleware and a project was started to make the majority of the data storage services available over dual-stack IPv6/IPv4. Once achieved, CPU resources deployed on Clouds or Grids could be IPv6-only. Today in the 18 UK data centres operated by GridPP, more than 50% of the current 34 Petabytes of storage is available over IPv6. This talk will present the work done to enable IPv6 services together with some details of the data transfer services used. Our transition plan to IPv6 and its execution will be included. Not all has been smooth or easy and some details of problems encountered along the way will be described.
      Speaker: Dr David Kelsey (STFC UK Research and Innovation)
    • 3
      An Overview of IPv6 Security Broadgate 1 & 2

      Broadgate 1 & 2

      etc Venues Bishopsgate

      155 Bishopsgate Liverpool Street London EC2M 3YD
      Security is one of the most crucial factors in modern networks. Network operators are painfully aware of this. IPv6 brings new challenges, features and opportunities for network security. This presentation provides a comprehensive overview of IPv6 security, why it needs to be taken seriously, how it differs from IPv4, the problems it presents and current IPv6 security techniques and best practice. As IPv6 becomes more widespread, no one interested in network security or network forensics can afford to ignore security IPv6
      Speaker: Dr David Holder (Erion Ltd)
    • 11:00
      Morning Coffee Break Galleria


      etc Venues Bishopsgate

      155 Bishopsgate Liverpool Street London EC2M 3YD
    • 4
      UKNOF Update Broadgate 1 & 2

      Broadgate 1 & 2

      etc Venues Bishopsgate

      155 Bishopsgate Liverpool Street London EC2M 3YD
      UKNOF meetings happen thanks to the active support and participation of many people - volunteers, speakers, sponsors, partners. Keeping UKNOF sustainable and relevant is important to everyone, and every so often we give the community a chance to hear about how all this works, various changes we're making, and to hear your feedback.
      Speakers: Denesh Bhabuta (UKNOF), Mr Keith Mitchell (UKNOF)
    • 5
      DNS Flag day and beyond - how will it affect you? Broadgate 1 & 2

      Broadgate 1 & 2

      etc Venues Bishopsgate

      155 Bishopsgate Liverpool Street London EC2M 3YD

      The major Open Source DNS Software providers along with a number of other organisations have declared a flag day, after which they will cease accommodating non-RFC-compliant behaviour when interacting with other servers.

      This talk (a collaboration between the software providers and other committed parties) will first briefly summarise the versions of software that have removed the excess code complexity needed to interoperate with broken servers, and/or confirm the date on which their service will do the same.

      Then it will cover in a little more detail what this means to ordinary operators who aren't necessarily DNS experts or operators - what effects might this have on them, either as organisations with their own authoritative DNS zones (self-managed or hosted), and/or for DNS resolution of other names and domains via their recursive servers.
      - What problems might be encountered?
      - How to resolve them?

      Speaker: Ms Cathy Almond (Internet Systems Consortium)
    • 6
      The big IPv6 and RPKI quiz! Broadgate 1 & 2

      Broadgate 1 & 2

      etc Venues Bishopsgate

      155 Bishopsgate Liverpool Street London EC2M 3YD

      Do you think you know everything about IPv6 and RPKI ?

      Are you ready to test your knowledge, or learn from your mistakes while participating in a quiz ?

      We are going to challenge you with 20 questions, and everyone in the room can participate in the quiz to win prizes!

      Speakers: Mr Massimiliano Stucchi (RIPE NCC), Nathalie Trenaman (RIPE NCC)
    • 12:30
      Lunch Break Galleria


      etc Venues Bishopsgate

      155 Bishopsgate Liverpool Street London EC2M 3YD
    • 7
      Large Scale Edge DDoS Protection Broadgate 1 & 2

      Broadgate 1 & 2

      etc Venues Bishopsgate

      155 Bishopsgate Liverpool Street London EC2M 3YD

      An update on the latest state of the DDoS threat with details of how high-performance traffic filtering in the latest generation of edge routers and switches is opening up new opportunities for security policy enforcement, in general, as well as enabling real-time DDoS protection at a scale not previously seen.

      Speaker: Sean Newman (Sponsor)
    • 8
      Beyond Whois: Connecting the Digital Dots Broadgate 1 & 2

      Broadgate 1 & 2

      etc Venues Bishopsgate

      155 Bishopsgate Liverpool Street London EC2M 3YD

      The presentation goes through the story of how Cyber Toolbelt Investigators were able to unravel a massive fraud network using only DNS and with only a single domain name to go on.

      Speaker: Mr Mike Lewis (Cyber Toolbetl)
    • 9
      IXPDB and Euro-IX tools Broadgate 1 & 2

      Broadgate 1 & 2

      etc Venues Bishopsgate

      155 Bishopsgate Liverpool Street London EC2M 3YD
      This presentation will include: - an introduction to the IXPDB (IXP Database) - Details on the IX-F JSON Member List - tools now available for networks to find each other - a roadmap of new tools coming in 2019 I also hope to get feedback from the attendees on new ideas and tools they'd like to see.
      Speaker: Ms Bijal Sanghani (Euro-IX)
    • 10
      TTLd: Total TCP Loss detection Broadgate 1 & 2

      Broadgate 1 & 2

      etc Venues Bishopsgate

      155 Bishopsgate Liverpool Street London EC2M 3YD

      TTLd is a new approach to network monitoring. This hybrid approach exposes in the TCP header information of loss from the host, and this information is accounted for at network device level.

      This allows for precise loss detection and effective accounting and aggregation of this information.
      The ground breaking feature of this project is that every single packet in the network becomes a probe!

      We show results from an internal visualisation tool able to show the state of all the datacenter at once and then zoom to the noisy parts.

      Speaker: Dr Louis Plissonneau (Facebook)
    • 15:35
      Afternoon Coffee Break Galleria


      etc Venues Bishopsgate

      155 Bishopsgate Liverpool Street London EC2M 3YD
    • 11
      Project GOLF - Three years of EVPN in the datacenter Broadgate 1 & 2

      Broadgate 1 & 2

      etc Venues Bishopsgate

      155 Bishopsgate Liverpool Street London EC2M 3YD
      This talk charts the past three years of operating datacenters with EVPN/VxLAN with our own approach and software stack. We take you through the highlights and lowlights of our deployment and talk about the future. All in thirty minutes.
      Speakers: Mr David Freedman (Claranet), Mr David Overton (Claranet), Mr Sandy Breeze (Claranet)
    • 12
      400G - don't get confused with this transceiver generation & IEEE 802.3bs Broadgate 1 & 2

      Broadgate 1 & 2

      etc Venues Bishopsgate

      155 Bishopsgate Liverpool Street London EC2M 3YD
      Transmission speed of 400G is becoming a reality, with new challenges for optical and electrical components in high speed systems emerging as well. PAM4 modulation is one key component for 400G transmission with transceivers following Ethernet IEEE 802.3bs, this talk will be a show and tell into PAM4. With this knowledge, the design decisions behind the new formfactors OSFP, QSFP-DD, SFP56-DD and µQSFP are easier to understand. This talk will help you to: - Design / build new kind of applications or connections with your networking gear in the field - 100G will no longer be the fast option for IXP interconnections soon DR, FR4 and LR4 at 400G will be available - Avoid pitfalls when designing your racks - Be aware how power consumption and new plugs will be part of the new world of 400G transceivers. Author Bio: Thomas Weible - Co-Founder and CTO of Flexoptix GmbH. He formerly lead the groundbreaking software development within the company. Thomas has moved more and more towards the field of transceiver technology and his so called „support with no levels and no bullshit“. Enthusiastic in everything he does, he gives realistic and practical answers to get transceivers working and operational. As a regular speaker at several conferences around the globe he is able to target the needs of network engineers. Thomas likes tractor driving and nature, and is a huge fan of smart pragmatism. Thomas studied information technology in Darmstadt, Germany.
      Speaker: Mr Thomas Weible (Flexoptix GmbH)
    • 13
      Fire Fire Fire! (Or maybe not...) Broadgate 1 & 2

      Broadgate 1 & 2

      etc Venues Bishopsgate

      155 Bishopsgate Liverpool Street London EC2M 3YD
      In July 2018 I experienced my first (and hopefully last!) FM200 fire suppression system discharge. While we all might have heard about fire suppression systems, and the risks and benefits - I aim to cast a bit of further light onto real world experiences on the little red bombs that we all put in our data centres. This talk will aim to: - a brief summary of the different fire suppression systems in use in data centres - some real world experiences from people who have had their systems either release by design or accidentally - the after effects (building, systems, process, people)
      Speaker: Mr Steve Wright (4D Data Centres, LINX)
    • 14
      Wrap-up, UKNOF43 Broadgate 1 & 2

      Broadgate 1 & 2

      etc Venues Bishopsgate

      155 Bishopsgate Liverpool Street London EC2M 3YD
      Speaker: Mr Keith Mitchell (UKNOF)
    • 18:00
      Pints n' Packets Galleria


      etc Venues Bishopsgate

      155 Bishopsgate Liverpool Street London EC2M 3YD