UKNOF is being closed down during 2024, and this site is now only active as an archive of previous events and presentations.

11 May 2020
Europe/London timezone

Building out to London during a Crisis

11 May 2020, 14:40
Standard Presentation Main Session


Marek Isalski (Faelix Limited)


Two weeks after the first rack got handed over: lockdown.

We talk about the challenges we have faced (and still are facing) during our build to three datacentre sites in London: contracting for racks, getting infrastructure to put in them, linking back to our Manchester network, ordering dark fibre, and working with customers.

Contents of this talk may contain moose and/or mousse.

Talk Duration 10 Minutes
Your consent for us to publish your name and<br />affiliation as a Speaker on the virtualUKNOF May 2020 website Yes

Primary author

Marek Isalski (Faelix Limited)

Presentation materials