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20 July 2020
Europe/London timezone

Scaling your metro: the journey from 100 to 400G

20 Jul 2020, 15:40
Standard Presentation Main Session


Will Hargrave (LONAP)


I'll talk about the journey for upgrading our metro infrastructure from mid-2010s era 10G DWDM through to multiples of 100G to 400G. How can we cost-effectively expand networks with high bandwidth demands with spans in the 1-80km range?

We can start with an overview of how we did things in the n*10G world and why this does not directly transition into 100G. Your technology and cost options for lighting 100G (direct detect / PAM4 / coherent) and why a timely migration to 400G technology might be an option.

Talk Duration 15 Minutes
Your consent for us to publish your name and<br />affiliation as a Speaker on the virtualUKNOF July 2020 website Yes

Primary author

Will Hargrave (LONAP)

Presentation materials