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15 April 2021
Europe/London timezone

RARE Router for Academia Research & Education

15 Apr 2021, 12:00

Standard Presentation Main Session UKNOF47




RARE (Router for Academia, Research, and Education) is an effort under the GEANT 3rd program where is focused on determining if a routing software platform solution can fit research and education use-case purposes. The project integrates different pieces of software separated into the following building blocks:
(i) control plane: it uses FreeRouter under the hood;
(ii) data plane: P4 is used to describe the behavioural model; and
(iii) communication interface between control and data planes: an interface compliant to P4Runtime specification.
The project deployed a P4 Lab distributed among various European countries. The testbed comprises Intel/Barefoot Tofino WEDGE100BF32X and APS2556X-1T switches powered by the TOFINO Network Processor Unit (NPU). They are geographically currently spread through the following locations: Amsterdam (AMS), Frankfurt (FRA), Poznan (POZ), Budapest (BUD), Paris (PAR), Geneva (GVA), Murcia (UMU), Bilbao (UPV/EHU) . Additional expansion location are planned in the US, Latin America.
The session presents an overall description of the project, the key technology opportunity for organisation powered by a DYI DNA and the major milestones achieved since the beginning of the project in January 2019.

Talk Duration 25 Minutes Presentation (+5 Minutes Q&A)
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Primary authors

Mr Csaba MATE (KIFU) Frederic LOUI (RENATER)

Presentation materials