UKNOF closed down during 2024, and this site is now only active as an archive of previous events and presentations.

15 April 2021
Europe/London timezone

UKNOF47 Event Report

145 people from 24 different countries and territories participated in UKNOF47, sponsored by LONAP and Team Cymru, on Thursday, 15 April 2021. Nine speakers presented on a variety of Internet operations topics including rural 5G, a new routing platform, segment routing, Team Cymru’s free NimbusTM platform, MANRS, using XDP to manage DNS volume, and a new class of cloud cyber-attack.

We made networking with your peers possible throughout the day through SpatialChat, which allows people to dynamically move between groups of people in a manner similar to an in-person social event. It had rooms dedicated to engaging with speakers, our patron and sponsor supporters, and for casual conversation.

🔴 Your feedback on these improvements and anything else you want us to know about is important. Please take our 30 second survey to help us improve for UKNOF48, including what times in the day are best for you. The survey closes on Sunday, 2 May 2021.


Recordings of the talks from UKNOF47 will be published soon, so you'l be able to review the talks you enjoyed or catch up on one you missed.

  • The opening talk came from Peter Gradwell and James Body who told the story of how they built the UK's 5th MNO to fix rural mobile coverage.
  • Renater’s Frederic Loui told us about how GEANT is building a fast, powerful and inexpensive router using FOSS to meet education and research use cases.
  • Shraddha Hegde then told us about how seamless segment routing can be used to provide scalable resiliency and offer data sovereignty.
  • Brian Davenport from our sponsor, Team Cymru gave an overview of their no-cost NimbusTM threat detection platform.
  • Kevin Meynell demonstrated the MANRS Observatory, which has been measuring a decrease in routing attacks as more networks have started implementing these norms.
  • Willem Toorop and Tom Carpay from NLNet Labs gave us a live demo of how they use XDP to filter and process DNS queries. They showed how it can handle parts of DNS in the kernel and traditional userland software, and how operators can use this to filter queries to deal with DoS attacks.
  • Siriux’s Aaron Turner spoke about a new range of cloud cyber attacks and how civilian infrastructure is being attacked in peacetime.

Thanks to Sponsors, Patrons, and Partners!

We are grateful to LONAP and Team Cymru for sponsoring UKNOF47. We are also grateful to our 2021 corporate patrons: Flexoptix, IPv4 Market Group and RIPE NCC as PREMIUM patrons, with Internet Systems Consortium and Secrutiny as PROMOTER patrons. We’d also like to thank our partners Bogons and Portfast, and Friends of UKNOF.

UKNOF News & Recruitment

UKNOF48 is being planned as a hybrid in-person and Internet event for the autumn of 2021. The Call for Presentations will open soon, and if you are interested in presenting at the next or a subsequent UKNOF, you will be able to submit your proposal via our Call for Presentations site.

If you are interested in sharing your expertise to guide UKNOF in the future, please consider joining our Program Committee and the newly formed Communications Committee. Either contact one of the existing committee members or send an e-mail to