UKNOF is being closed down during 2024, and this site is now only active as an archive of previous events and presentations.



Cathy Almond (Internet Systems Consortium), Chris Russell (UKNOF), Fearghas McKay (Flexoptix // UKNOF), Keith Mitchell (UKNOF)

The UK Network Operators' Forum is currently only running online meetings.

UKNOF47 will take place on on 15 April followed by a BYO Pints n' Packets social event.

UKNOF events offer an OPEN environment for anyone within or interested in the Internet Industry. Network with industry colleagues, participate in knowledge sharing and freshen up on best practice around network operations and security.

For more information about UKNOF itself, please visit our primary site.

Social Media hashtag: #UKNOF47

We are currently looking for Sponsors and Corporate Patrons to support UKNOF.


Team Cymru


We are currently looking for additional Sponsors to support UKNOF. Contact us on



  IPv4 Market group



Internet Systems Consortium Secrutiny

We are currently looking for additional Patrons to support UKNOF. Contact us on


Bogons Portfast


  • Aaron Turner
  • Adam Clark
  • Aidan Whyte
  • Alan Barnett
  • Aled Morris
  • Alex Brett
  • Alex Harrison
  • Alex Richards
  • Alfie Foster
  • Andrew Hicks
  • Andy Davidson
  • Angela Stanescu
  • Annika Wickert
  • Ashley Langley
  • Ashvin Oogorah
  • Barney Sowood
  • Barry Macharia
  • Ben Carter
  • Ben White
  • Benno Overeinder
  • Bernd Strehhuber
  • Blake Willis
  • Bob Sleigh
  • Brandon Butterworth
  • Brian Davenport
  • Carlos Altamirano
  • Cathal Mooney
  • Cathy Almond
  • Charlie Allom
  • Chris Nicholls
  • Chris Russell
  • Chris Wheatley
  • Clive Gardner
  • Colin Cooper
  • Craig Aspey
  • Dan Peachey
  • Dan Rodgers
  • Daniel Greaves
  • Darren Storer
  • Dave Wilson
  • David Croft
  • David Lawrence
  • David Morris
  • David Murray
  • David Sullivan
  • David Wilkinson
  • Debbie Casey
  • Denesh Bhabuta
  • Doug Hulme
  • Dunc Lockwood
  • Dónal Cunningham
  • Ed Daniel
  • Euan Galloway
  • Fahad Khan
  • Fearghas Mckay
  • Frederic Loui
  • Gareth Bowen
  • Gary Hawkins
  • Gavin Brown
  • Gerard Gillan
  • Hans Petter Holen
  • Hariharan Jayaraman
  • Harry Cross
  • Hisham Ibrahim
  • Holly Holly
  • Ian Chilton
  • Ian Dickinson
  • Ian Goodall
  • Ian Hewitt
  • Ian Nightingale Nightingale
  • Ignas Bagdonas
  • Inga Turner
  • Israel Rosas
  • Jacob Jones
  • Jacomo Piccolini
  • Jaime Fordham
  • Jake Lee
  • James Bensley
  • James Body
  • James Greig
  • James Troutman
  • Jamie Lesley
  • Jeroen Klaver
  • Jody Botham
  • Joe Waite
  • Johany Chacon
  • John Bourke
  • John Pendleton
  • Jonathan Hewlett
  • Jordan Birgner
  • Karl Austin
  • Katrina Smith
  • Keith Mitchell
  • Kevin Meynell
  • Kurt Erik Lindqvist
  • Lance Davis
  • Lauren Parker
  • Lee Pedder
  • Leo Vegoda
  • Liam Drew
  • Livio Morina
  • Luke Sheldrick
  • Luke Spademan
  • Luuk Hendriks
  • Malick Sallah
  • Marek Isalski
  • Mark Baker
  • Mark Prior
  • Mark Rugglss
  • Mark Tinka
  • Martin Clare
  • Martin Evans
  • Marty Harrison
  • Matthew Jepp
  • Matthew Melbourne
  • Matthew Mercer
  • Matthew Southgate
  • Mazen Khaddam
  • Mc36 Mc36
  • Michael Kent
  • Mick O'Donovan
  • Mike Hellers
  • Moe Choaib
  • Mufaddal Shabbir Presswala
  • Nat Lasseter
  • Naveen Lakshman
  • Nigel Titley
  • Nitin Raj
  • Olivier Benghozi
  • Patrick Mcdonough
  • Paul Edwards
  • Peter De Boer
  • Peter Gradwell
  • Peter Moreton
  • Peter Stevens
  • Peter Taphouse
  • Phil Mack
  • Portia Rabonda
  • Q Misell
  • Qasim Lone
  • Ray Bellis
  • Rebecca Class-Peter
  • Richard Halfpenny
  • Richard Savage
  • Rob Perkins
  • Roelf Wichertjes
  • Ruben Garbade
  • Sam Smith
  • Samuel Muchiri
  • Shraddha Hegde
  • simon barber
  • Simon Crumplin
  • Simon Lockhart
  • Steve Dyer
  • Steve Jones
  • Steve Karmeinsky
  • Steven Clarke
  • Steven Patterson
  • Stuart Clark
  • Stuart Pearson
  • Stuart Ridsdale
  • Tarek Sendi
  • Tawhidur Rahman
  • Tema Hassan
  • Terence Carr
  • Thomas Jepp
  • Tim Bray
  • Tim Chown
  • Tom Bird
  • Tom Carpay
  • Tom Elliott
  • Tom Halapacz
  • Tom Hill
  • Tony E
  • Tony Fraulo
  • Tony Gray
  • Will Hargrave
  • Willem Toorop
  • Xavier Jeannin
  • Yahya Khan
  • Yolandi Robinson
  • Zoltan Kiss
UKNOF47 admin
    • 10:45 11:00
      Webinar room opens - while waiting, grab a drink and mingle with your peers in the ~UKNOF channel at 15m
    • 11:00 11:40
      UKNOF47: Session 1
      • 11:00
        Welcome 10m
        Speaker: Mr Keith Mitchell (UKNOF)
      • 11:10
        Building the UK's 5th MNO and trying to fix rural mobile coverage 30m

        Telet is the UK's fifth GMSA Full Operator Member.

        Frustrated with poor mobile coverage in the Chalke Valley, nr Sailsbury (in an area of outstanding natural beauty), James Body decided to build his own mobile network using small cells mounted on thatched roofs and the village hall.

        Last year we were succesful in winnning a DCMS Rural Connected Communities grant, and we're also now running 5G core networks for 3 other DCMS 5G Create Projects.

        We will look at the different challenges in building your own mobile network and how the Multi Operator Neutral Host solution can help others in rural locations.

        Speakers: Peter Gradwell (Telet Research (N.I) Limited), Mr James Body (Telet Research (NI) Limited)
    • 11:40 12:00
      20 minutes break 20m
    • 12:00 13:00
      UKNOF47: Session 2
      • 12:00
        RARE Router for Academia Research & Education 30m

        RARE (Router for Academia, Research, and Education) is an effort under the GEANT 3rd program where is focused on determining if a routing software platform solution can fit research and education use-case purposes. The project integrates different pieces of software separated into the following building blocks:
        (i) control plane: it uses FreeRouter under the hood;
        (ii) data plane: P4 is used to describe the behavioural model; and
        (iii) communication interface between control and data planes: an interface compliant to P4Runtime specification.
        The project deployed a P4 Lab distributed among various European countries. The testbed comprises Intel/Barefoot Tofino WEDGE100BF32X and APS2556X-1T switches powered by the TOFINO Network Processor Unit (NPU). They are geographically currently spread through the following locations: Amsterdam (AMS), Frankfurt (FRA), Poznan (POZ), Budapest (BUD), Paris (PAR), Geneva (GVA), Murcia (UMU), Bilbao (UPV/EHU) . Additional expansion location are planned in the US, Latin America.
        The session presents an overall description of the project, the key technology opportunity for organisation powered by a DYI DNA and the major milestones achieved since the beginning of the project in January 2019.

        Speaker: Frederic LOUI (RENATER)
      • 12:30
        Seamless Segment Routing 30m

        In order to operate networks with large numbers of devices, network
        operators organize networks into multiple smaller network domains.
        Each network domain typically runs an IGP which has complete
        visibility within its own domain, but limited visibility outside of
        its domain. Seamless Segment Routing (Seamless SR) provides
        flexible, scalable and reliable end-to-end connectivity for services
        across independent network domains. Seamless SR accommodates domains
        using SR, LDP, and RSVP for MPLS label distribution as well as
        domains running IP without MPLS (IP-Fabric).

        Speaker: Shraddha Hegde (Juniper Networks)
    • 13:00 14:00
      1 hour break - Have a natter in our social room! 1h

      Have a natter in our social room!

    • 14:00 14:45
      UKNOF47: Session 3
      • 14:00
        An overview of NimbusTM: Team Cymru’s no-cost community-focus threat detection platform 15m

        An overview of Nimbus Threat Monitor - Team Cymru’s community-sourced threat detection solution - how it works and how the UKNOF community can participate at no-cost.

        Speaker: Brian Davenport
      • 14:15
        Observing your MANRS for a more secure Internet 30m

        The global routing system of the Internet – based on BGP - is inherently insecure and is increasingly under attack from activists and criminals who see the opportunity to steal data and cause disruption. State-level actors are also manipulating the routing system to impose censorship, undertake espionage and/or conduct cyber warfare.

        The Mutually Assured Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) is an industry-supported initiative that builds on well-established best practices by bringing together actions that can address most common threats in the global routing system. In conjunction with this, the MANRS Observatory is a tool that has been developed to track and analyse routing incidents, to measure how conformant networks are with these actions, and to provide an overview of the state of global routing security over time. This data can be displayed by individual network, region, country/economy, and by user-defined group such as customer cone or CSIRT constituency etc..

        Speaker: Mr Kevin Meynell (Internet Society)
    • 14:45 15:00
      15 minutes break 15m
    • 15:00 16:05
      UKNOF47: Session 4
      • 15:00
        Are You XDPerienced?: More tinkering with DNS and XDP 30m

        The eXpress Data Path (XDP) is a "hook" in the Linux kernel providing programmability at the lowest layer of the Network Stack (at the device driver layer) and can even be hardware offloaded to programmable devices (e.g. SmartNICs). XDP provides an easy way to perform some parts of DNS handling in the kernel but still have traditional userspace software 'after' that. XDP does not have to replace DNS software in userspace, it can augment it.

        With this presentation you will experience how DNS can benefit from XDP with hands-on examples of directly usable running code. We will show how operators can use XDP programs to deal with Denial of Service attacks and otherwise tweak their DNS service behaviour.

        Speakers: Willem Toorop (NLnet Labs), Tom Carpay (NLnet Labs)
      • 15:30
        DARK HALO – How a new class of cloud cyber-attacks are reshaping security 30m

        Aaron Turner – CEO and Founder of Siriux will talk about the new range of cloud cyber attacks.

        Speakers: Aaron Turner (Siriux), Aaron Turner
      • 16:00
        Wrap Up 5m
        Speaker: Keith Mitchell (UKNOF)
    • 16:05 17:05
      BYO Pints n' Packets - Stay for a natter after the great talks! 1h