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22 September 2022
15 Hatfields
Europe/London timezone

Quantum Key Distribution activities within GÉANT and the NREN community.

22 Sept 2022, 11:30
Elements ( 15 Hatfields)


15 Hatfields

15 Hatfields, Chadwick Court, London, SE1 8DJ.
Standard Presentation Main Session UKNOF50


Piotr Rydlichowski (PSNC (Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center))


This presentation and talk will focus on activities and experience gained within GÉANT and NRENs related to Quantum Communication technologies. GÉANT and NRENs participate in number of National and European level programs and projects connected with quantum technologies in general. Activities are focused mainly on practical aspects and use cases implemented in real world scenarios and infrastructure.

Quantum Key Distribution is an example of a quantum communication technology that can potentially provide a highly secure communication environment and provide a base for future quantum networks and ultimately the quantum Internet. Quantum Key Distribution is one of the first examples of practical implementation of quantum communication and quantum cryptography. QKD together with post quantum algorithms have significant potential for new secure optical transmission systems. Quantum networks are an essential component of a fully interconnect quantum computing infrastructure and transmit qubits between the quantum devices. The GÉANT GN4-3 project together with NRENs has been studying QKD technology, exploring testbeds, simulators, and facilitating discussion around R&E use cases that has led to several white papers being published and infoshares being held for the NREN community and its users. This material and experience has been shared with the NREN community at:

The community uses also QKD networks and quantum communication network simulators especially to provide training and provide better understanding. Simulators play an essential part in understanding the assumptions and principles of quantum network operation. Under the GÉANT GN4-3 WP6 activities a QKD proof of concept has been designed in which GEANT will test novel QKD technology - Twin Field QKD - supporting QKD between nodes running at two relatively distant GÉANT PoPs. NRENs are also experimenting with the multiplexing of quantum channels and other topics related with the integration of quantum channels and transmission with classical optical communication systems.

NRENs within its mission seek to support their users, including scientists, in demonstrating the readiness of new technologies. This approach is particularly important for European Quantum research. QKD services in NREN infrastructures have significant potential benefits for their user community as these technologies can support novel use cases, implementation scenarios and applications. QKD services can be designed and managed by NRENs and contribute to the overall advancement of QKD technology.

NREN community is active in the Digital Europe Program calls related to EuroQCI initiative and NRENs are directly or indirectly involved in the national Quantum Communication Infrastructure programs.

Talk Duration 25 Minutes Presentation (+5 Minutes Q&A)
Presentation delivery Remotely / pre-recorded (you will need to appear live on screen for Q&A)
Your consent for us to publish your name and affiliation as a Speaker on the UKNOF50 website Yes

Primary author

Piotr Rydlichowski (PSNC (Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center))

Presentation materials