UKNOF closed down during 2024, and this site is now only active as an archive of previous events and presentations.

22 September 2022
15 Hatfields
Europe/London timezone

Global NOG Alliance Taskforce: Keep Ukraine Connected

22 Sept 2022, 15:45
Elements ( 15 Hatfields)


15 Hatfields

15 Hatfields, Chadwick Court, London, SE1 8DJ.
Standard Presentation Main Session UKNOF50


Mr Rene Fichtmueller (Global NOG Alliance/ Flexoptix GmbH)


Usually we support with the Global NOG Alliance, colleagues from the community who want to set up a new NOG meeting. For this we provide everything necessary, free of charge.

Base is a Indico system, which includes CfP, agenda scheduling, registration, etc. In addition, we have a speaker database that we can use to help newcomers. We can also create a sub-account through our bank and the organizers of a new NOG meeting will receive a virtual and/or physical debit credit card to be able to pay for everything related to the NOG Meeting. In addition, we have the opportunity to support NOG meetings with a little money from our budget. Everything at volunteer level and everything free of charge.

But the February 24, 2022 changed a lot in the world and so did us.

Two weeks after the start of the war in Ukraine, I drove to Ukraine with a friend with two trucks (40 tons and 7.5 tons) to hand over humanitarian goods there.

When I called a board call on March 11, 2022 to share my experiences, we decided to help as a team. And we created a task force within the Global NOG Alliance. And that was the birth of the project: Keep Ukraine Connected.

We had nothing, the only thing we had.... was a mission. Mission to help our friends from Ukraine, to help ISPs. All logistics companies had stopped the service and some action had to be taken. The operators of the on-site Internet infrastructure needed equipment for the destroyed infrastructure/parts of the destroyed infrastructure.

We started from scratch and by March 2022 we already saw ourselves as a link between the communities. As a link between users and manufacturers. We have the contacts and wanted to use them and create synergies. Within three weeks we managed to collect around 2 tons of equipment. This equipment came from Germany/ Europe and also the USA. Within three weeks we programmed a Supply&Demand Database where donors and those in need can register. Donors can enter what they want to donate and requesters can enter their needs there.

on March 8th, 2022 I started a small European tour to collect equipment with a 7.5 ton truck. So I started in Berlin, via the Czech Republic, Austria to Slovenia. After the SEE10 meeting in Ljubljana, i continued via Austria, the Czech Republic and Poland to the Ukraine, where I met our local contacts to load the 2 tons of equipment onto another truck.

We currently work with the Ministry of Digital Transformation, The Association of Rights Holders and Content Providers, The Ukrainian Internet Association and DEPS. DEPS is our local donation distributor to get all the equipment we bring to Ukraine to the right companies.

In my presentation, i would like to show how we see our global community and how important it is to help one another in difficult times. We refrain from any political discussions or support. We support our friends from the NOG community and also want to be a bit of an example that our community doesn't think in borders, colors, races or genders. Don't talk, just do anything is our motto and we want to pass this on and motivate other supporters to support us.

I will update the presentation also with news out of the region.

Talk Duration 25 Minutes Presentation (+5 Minutes Q&A)
Presentation delivery In-person at the meeting venue
Your consent for us to publish your name and affiliation as a Speaker on the UKNOF50 website Yes

Primary author

Mr Rene Fichtmueller (Global NOG Alliance/ Flexoptix GmbH)

Presentation materials