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13 September 2013
Europe/London timezone

Ciena OPn

13 Sept 2013, 17:45


15 Hatfields, Chadwick Court, London, SE1 8DJ
Sponsor Presentations


Mr Simon Parry (Ciena)


Ciena OPn: /ōpən/ Noun: Optical and packet raised to great scale Adjective: Open and programmable; software-definable Proper Noun: A network architecture that transforms the economics and utility of network operators


OPn, Ciena’s new network architecture, helps networks scale economically to great capacity over wide areas and handle the changes wrought by cloud/data centre migration, mobile broadband, and the rise of the application model for new services. This presentation will discuss the challenges that are facing service provider as the incessant growth in traffic requires more equipment upgrades and rapid replacement cycles, and yet the value of the traffic is falling.

A network architecture will be presented that uses intelligent optical and lean packet capabilities to scale exponentially at lower cost than alternative architectures. It uses software automation and orchestration to speed and cost-reduce operations, and has better network integration with the data centre, transforming connect, compute, and store into a programmable platform for a variety of new services.

Primary author

Mr Simon Parry (Ciena)

Presentation materials