UKNOF is being closed down during 2024, and this site is now only active as an archive of previous events and presentations.

13 September 2013
Europe/London timezone

Prescriptive Topology Daemon

13 Sept 2013, 11:45


15 Hatfields, Chadwick Court, London, SE1 8DJ
Main Session


Mr Nat Morris (Cumulus Networks Inc)


Operator error is one of the biggest causes for network failure. In the data center, topologies based on CLOS tree and its variants, right cabling is a skilled and time consuming endeavor. PTMD is designed to take the pain and skill out of this task. PTMD runs on all routers/switches in the network (and can run on hosts too). It takes a graphviz-DOT specified network cabling plan (something many operators already generate) and couples it with with runtime information derived from LLDP to verify that the cabling matches the specification. This is done on every link transition. The talk is primarily targetted for system administrators. The audience will get to know: * design and implementation of PTMD * configuration examples * use cases and extensions.

Primary author

Mr Nat Morris (Cumulus Networks Inc)

Presentation materials