UKNOF closed down during 2024, and this site is now only active as an archive of previous events and presentations.

24 April 2014
De Vere Wokefield Park
Europe/London timezone

Cisco Q-vBN Overview

24 Apr 2014, 15:50
De Vere Wokefield Park

De Vere Wokefield Park

Goodboys Lane Mortimer Reading Berkshire RG7 3AH
Main Session


Mr Ivanov Anton (Cisco Systems)


Broadband access network and services are relatively static, pre-provisioned and bound to CPE and backhaul capabilities. Is it feasible to change this status-quo by virtualizing services and extending the home network into the cloud? What are the drivers, new service models, risks and opportunities for such (r)evolutionary approach?


The presentation will provide an overview of Q-vBN architecture as well as key use cases.
This includes IPv6 as a service, IPv4 sunset as a service, virtual CPE, individual device and subscriber management, etc.
Quick demo for some of the use cases will be provided as well.

Primary author

Mr Ivanov Anton (Cisco Systems)

Presentation materials