UKNOF is being closed down during 2024, and this site is now only active as an archive of previous events and presentations.

7–9 Sept 2016
The Technical and Innovation Centre
Europe/London timezone

DNSSEC: Is the juice worth the squeeze?

9 Sept 2016, 10:00
Main Auditorium (The Technical and Innovation Centre)

Main Auditorium

The Technical and Innovation Centre

University of Strathclyde 99 George Street Glasgow G1 1RD
Main Session


Paul Ebersman (self)


DNSSEC is an important piece of securing your internet presence. But getting your zones initially set up and keeping them working can be very challenging. Is it really worth all the hassle? I'll be covering the issues with both signing and validating. I'll also talk about what security this does and doesn't give you, as well as other things, such as DANE, that having DNSSEC signed zones gives you.

Primary author

Paul Ebersman (self)

Presentation materials