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7 September 2020
Europe/London timezone

Processing BGP updates with RabbitMQ - more in depth

7 Sept 2020, 16:05
Standard Presentation Main Session


Pim van Stam (NBIP-NaWas)


At UKNOF#45 I did a talk about processign BGP updates with RabbitMQ.
I like to present a talk that takes this presentation as basis and is going deeper into alerting based on the events from BGP updates, which we use for alerting on specific events.
With our real life examples, you can imagine how to build events on BGP hijacking or cofniguration mistakes at your customers side.

Components in this system are:
* Juniper core routers for BGP full table
* ExaBGP for receiving updates from the core
* Python scripts to feed to RabbitMQ
* RabbitMQ messaging system
* Python scripts to take actions based on the RabbitMQ messages
* alerting by e-mail and instant messaging


Update of processing BGP updates with Rabbit MQ message services

Talk Duration 15 Minutes
Your consent for us to publish your name and<br />affiliation as a Speaker on the virtualUKNOF September 2020 website Yes

Primary author

Pim van Stam (NBIP-NaWas)

Presentation materials