UKNOF is being closed down during 2024, and this site is now only active as an archive of previous events and presentations.

21 January 2014
Manchester Central
Europe/London timezone

Panel: "Really Regional?" - the challenges of a non-London centred network

21 Jan 2014, 16:30
Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11 (Manchester Central)

Exchange Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11

Manchester Central

Windmill Street, Manchester,M2 3GX


David Reader (Zen) Mike Hughes (UKNOF)Dr Mike Kelly (Datacentred Ltd)Mr Neil McRae (BT) Peter Taphouse (Bytemark)


How hard is it to build a network which is independent of London? Can you take an existing network with a heavy London concentration and turn it into something more distributed? What about being regional from scratch? What might it look like to the rest of the UK if a significant network failure were to hit London? New regional connectivity initiatives in the UK are currently proving to be areas of significant activity, enabled by a mixture of community activity, new entrants into the colo market and a desire to deliver bandwidth more locally as volumes increase as a result of highspeed broadband rollout. The panellists hope to discuss such questions and more.

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