UKNOF is being closed down during 2024, and this site is now only active as an archive of previous events and presentations.


Charter 1, 2, 3 (Manchester Central Convention Centre)

Charter 1, 2, 3

Manchester Central Convention Centre

Windmill St, Manchester M2 3GX, United Kingdom
James Bensley, Keith Mitchell (UKNOF)

The UK Network Operators' Forum is resuming in-person meetings.

UKNOF51 will be held on 3rd & 4th of April 2023 in Manchester at Manchester Central

We have "Encouraged Behaviours" in respect of COVID-19. Further details in the COVID-19 Protocol.

UKNOF events offer an OPEN environment for anyone within or interested in the Internet Industry. Network with industry colleagues, participate in knowledge sharing and freshen up on best practice around network operations and security.  

For more information about UKNOF itself, please visit our primary site.

Social Media hashtag: #UKNOF51

We are currently looking for Sponsors and Corporate Patrons to support UKNOF.





We are currently looking for Sponsors to support UKNOF. Contact us on






We are currently looking for additional Patrons to support UKNOF. Contact us on




UKNOF51 admin
  • Abdel-Moniem Rezk
  • Adrian Bolster
  • Adrian Smith
  • Alex Harrison
  • Alfie Foster
  • Alison Jaina
  • Andrey Gazizov
  • Andy Howard
  • Andy Sutton
  • Angela Dall'Ara
  • Anne Johnson
  • Anthony Turner
  • Antonio Faria
  • Ben Carter
  • Brandon Butterworth
  • Brandon Spendlove
  • Cassie Bezuidenhout
  • Catalin Petrescu
  • Cathy Almond
  • Charles Abramson
  • Chris Bridle
  • Chris Croot
  • Chris Elliott
  • Dan Peachey
  • Dan Poltawski
  • Dave Wilson
  • David Croft
  • David Fitton
  • David Murray
  • Debbie Casey
  • Denesh Bhabuta
  • Elena Camelia Simion
  • Emmy Gandar
  • Ethan Jackson
  • Gareth Bowen
  • Gavin Henry
  • Giles Winchester
  • Giulia Reading
  • Gopi Narayanamoorthy
  • Greg Choules
  • Henry Merrett
  • Himan Pishnamaz
  • Ian Boardman
  • Ian Dickinson
  • Imran Saleem
  • James Bensley
  • James Clapham
  • James Wilkinson
  • Jamie Lesley
  • Jody Botham
  • John Webster
  • Josh Levett
  • Julian Curtis
  • Kamal Singh
  • Keith Mitchell
  • Lee Pedder
  • Lefteris Manassakis
  • Leo Vegoda
  • Liam Austen
  • Linda Shannon
  • Lou Ashtonhurst
  • Martin Smith
  • Matt Jepp
  • Matt Mather
  • Matthew Melbourne
  • Matthew Southgate
  • Max Naylor
  • Mike Bullen
  • Mitchell Southgate
  • Neil Lathwood
  • Nigel Titley
  • Olena Lutsenko
  • Osman Hussein
  • Paulius Judickas
  • Peter Stevens
  • Peter Taphouse
  • Pierre-Yves Maunier
  • Rich Smith
  • Richard Irving
  • Richard Shaw
  • Rick Dunsford
  • Robert Lee
  • Robin Williams
  • Rohit Saxena
  • Sam Mitchell
  • Simon Lockhart
  • Sion Hopes
  • Steve Dyer
  • Steve Glendinning
  • Steve Jones
  • Steve Karmeinsky
  • Steve Kingdom
  • Stuart Steele
  • Suhaib Saeed
  • Tim Chown
  • Tobias Hooton
  • Tom Bird
  • Tom Hill
  • Tom Rigg
  • Utkarsh Shah
  • Vincentas Grinius
    • Registration: In-person attendees Reception (Manchester Central)


      Manchester Central

      Windmill St, Manchester, M2 3GX, United Kingdom.
    • Registration: Remote attendees: Zoom room opens - while waiting, grab a drink and mingle with your peers in the ~UKNOF channel at Webinar (Zoom)



    • UKNOF51: Session 1 Charter 1, 2, 3 (Manchester Central)

      Charter 1, 2, 3

      Manchester Central

      Windmill St, Manchester, M2 3GX, United Kingdom.
      • 1
        UKNOF51 Introduction and Welcome

        UKNOF51 Introduction and Welcome by Keith.

        Request for feedback to the PC from Dave.
        Request for UKNOF systems volunteer or two

        Speakers: Dave Wilson (Independant), Keith Mitchell (UKNOF)
      • 2
        Policy development in the RIPE region

        This presentation aims at providing a short introduction to the RIPE NCC's main functions and services, promoting participation in the RIPE Policy Development Process.
        I uploaded an empty file, the presentation slides will be provided later to include an update on recent policy-related discussions and the current policy proposals.

        Speaker: Angela Dall'Ara (RIPE NCC)
      • 3
        Software Best Practices for Networkers

        It's 2023 so everything is automated in our network's because we're all so cool, we're all even using Python and Go instead of BASH and expect, but beyond simply writing code, do you know when to implicitly model your infrastructure vs explicitly model it? You have network design standards, but do you have coding and contributing standards too? What would they look like? Are you checking whether you're compromising supportability for ease of development?

        I'm currently working on the deployment of a greenfield network and greenfield automation stack, in a group of people who range from "hardcore networkers with minimal coding skills" to "hardcore developers with minimal networking skills". Along the way we have all learned many lessons, some were lessons regarding coding, some were lessons regarding collaboration, some were lessons regarding automation strategies.

        In this talk I will share some general lessons learned and considerations we've had to make, with the community, which most people should be able to relate to, in the new age of "automated everything".

        Speaker: James Bensley
    • 3:00 PM
      30 minutes break Manchester Central

      Manchester Central

      Windmill St, Manchester, M2 3GX, United Kingdom.
    • UKNOF51: Session 2 Charter 1, 2, 3 (Manchester Central)

      Charter 1, 2, 3

      Manchester Central

      Windmill St, Manchester, M2 3GX, United Kingdom.
    • 4:15 PM
      10 minutes comfort break Manchester Central

      Manchester Central

      Windmill St, Manchester M2 3GX, United Kingdom
    • UKNOF51: Session 3 Charter 1, 2, 3 (Manchester Central)

      Charter 1, 2, 3

      Manchester Central

      Windmill St, Manchester, M2 3GX, United Kingdom.
      • 6
        mVPN in OneWeb Network

        Multicast migration from PIM based transport to MPLS in OneWeb network. Will go over the challenges faced , approached taken due to concerns of latency and various design changes required to achieve sub-second failover in a global network.

        Speaker: Catalin Petrescu
      • 7
        Secure Network Communication Across the Internet

        We are researching security, scalability and latency properties in multi-domain communication, and are interested in industry's perspectives on how we can protect confidentiality in Internet traffic, for both consumers and businesses.

        This lightning talk gives a brief introduction to our research, and outlines our call for questions, panellists and feedback for a potential panel session (guiding our research) at UKNOF52.

        Speaker: Mr Josh Levett (University of York)
      • 8
        What are the PC and CC, and why would you want to join them?

        The UKNOF Programme and Communications Committees (PC and CC) are both looking to recruit new volunteers.
        Dave Wilson has recently joined the Programme Committee, and Steve Karmeinsky has recently stepped up as the new Chair of the Comunications Committee.

        In this lightning talk, they will outline the roles they have stepped into, and give some insight into how the sausage is made behind the scenes at UKNOF, in the hopes that some of our audience may be interested in joining us.

        Speakers: Dave Wilson (Independant), Steve Karmeinsky (NetTek Ltd / DBVu Ltd / City Meets Tech Ltd)
      • 9
        UKNOF51 - End of Day 1

        UKNOF51 - End of Day 1

        Speaker: Dave Wilson (Independant)
    • Pints n' Packets: (In-person attendees) Drinks and mingle Manchester Central

      Manchester Central

      Windmill St, Manchester, M2 3GX, United Kingdom.
    • Registration: Doors open Manchester Central

      Manchester Central

      Windmill St, Manchester, M2 3GX, United Kingdom.
    • UKNOF51: Session 4 Charter 1, 2, 3 (Manchester Central)

      Charter 1, 2, 3

      Manchester Central

      Windmill St, Manchester, M2 3GX, United Kingdom.
      • 10
        UKNOF51 - Day 2 Opening

        UKNOF51 - Day 2 Opening

        Speaker: Anne Johnson (UKNOF)
      • 11
        5G Security

        Here is the abstract of our presentation:

        The landscape of the 5G network is continuously evolving, raising an increasing number of security threats at different levels and applications. With the advent of 5G technology, the need for robust security measures has become more important than ever. 5G network is no longer a technology for making calls and data browsing over the phone alone; rather, it has become an enabler for a connected world with advanced use cases for almost every industry, such as manufacturing, public safety, healthcare, public transport, energy, and utility, automotive, media, and entertainment. With the advanced and critical use cases, it becomes imperative to secure the network and prevent any misuse. In this paper, the focus is to present a comprehensive approach to securing the 5G network by identifying the threat landscape and possible attack surfaces and a structured approach to continuously protecting and securing them with approaches like defense-in-depth and zero trust.

        Speakers: Kamal Singh, Mr Rohit Saxena
      • 12
        Weaponizing mobile infrastructure: Are politically motivated cyber attacks a threat to democracy?

        In this engagement, we describe our intelligence gathered around Russian and Ukraine conflict. How mobile networks were weaponized to inflict cyber war with primary focus on nation state activity led by Russian source/identity holding various objectives.
        i.e performing account takeover, attacks on Ukrainian subscribers via SS7 Spoofing and new threat indicators captured being used by Russian sources.
        The massive hybrid war resulted in regulators revisiting their cyber resilience to handle these sophisticated attacks towards mobile operators or attacks initiated covertly by operators.

        Speaker: Imran Saleem
    • 11:00 AM
      30 minute break Manchester Central

      Manchester Central

      Windmill St, Manchester, M2 3GX, United Kingdom.
    • UKNOF51: Session 5 Charter 1, 2, 3 (Manchester Central)

      Charter 1, 2, 3

      Manchester Central

      Windmill St, Manchester, M2 3GX, United Kingdom.
      • 13
        BGP Security - Hijack and Route Leak Detection

        In this presentation, we focus on BGP security using the Code BGP platform. We start with an introduction to the various types of BGP hijacks and route leaks and the challenges related to detecting BGP anomalies. We explain how the Code BGP Platform leverages multiple data sources and GraphQL subscriptions to detect BGP events of interest. We present two exact prefix hijack events against root DNS prefixes that took place a few months ago. Finally, we do a demo of configuring alert rules, doing actual announcements on the Internet and detecting hijacks.

        Speaker: Lefteris Manassakis (Code BGP)
      • 14
        Tips and tricks, lessons learned from the network service provider operating at the times of long-term crisis

        Internet was built on principles of redundancy and is used to mitigate disruptions. But what happens when there are multiple problems or damages, that need to be managed simultaneously? Are you ready to operate under the circumstances of blackouts, lack of diesel, curfew, and critical equipment shortage, when all these factors coincided? What about events of natural force that we’ve recently witnessed in Turkey and Syria, do you have disaster recovery plans at hand?
        Many businesses were affected by the Russian war in Ukraine – some had to change how they operate, and others had to also deal with securing the network under the fire. The price of being unprepared to function in the event of a crisis of this scale is too high.

        Our team has a unique experience of dealing with the constantly multiplied network and operational damages within the last full year. You’ll hear a review of the backbone operator’s operational and tech experience, affected by the war.

        We’ll share the learnings of overcoming multi-layer challenges under the most extreme circumstances.

        We’ll speak of how RETN minimizes the impact of disruptions, reduces the risk of financial losses due to outages, and keeps ensuring the continuity of the services.

        Speakers: Andrey Gazizov (RETN), Ms Olena Lutsenko (RETN Black Sea Region Director)
    • 12:30 PM
      90 Minute Lunch Manchester Central

      Manchester Central

      Windmill St, Manchester, M2 3GX, United Kingdom.
    • UKNOF51: Session 6 Charter 1, 2, 3 (Manchester Central)

      Charter 1, 2, 3

      Manchester Central

      Windmill St, Manchester, M2 3GX, United Kingdom.
      • 15
        IPv4 Ecosystem Overview

        We must admit that we will live with IPv4 addresses for a long time, and this panel aims to overview the IPv4 acquisition and leasing patterns. Additionally, drill the BGP data and what can get improved from the IP holders, RIR, and overall ecosystem.

        Speaker: Vincentas Grinius (IPXO)
      • 16
        LINX Manchester and Expansion to Equinix MA5

        This presentation will cover:

        Overview of MA5 expansion with timelines, and how it fits in with LINX Manchester topology
        Acknowledgment that Manchester is an important tech hub with screenshots of news stories
        Attracting major networks to the exchange
        Growth in traffic and member numbers over the past decade
        Products and Services at LINX Manchester and what's coming
        A little on the back story of LINX and what's happening internationally today
        Bringing it back to Manchester and how we can support different network types
        Speaker: Mr Colin Peckham (London Internet Exchange (LINX))
      • 17
        Network Log Aggregation with Loki

        Loki is an open source, horizontally-scalable log aggregation system inspired by Prometheus. It takes a different approach to many other log aggregation solutions by avoiding indexing on log content and instead having powerful query-time operations.

        In this talk I'll give a a short overview of loki, how we've integrated it with our network and the powerful capabilities it enables.

        Speaker: Mr Dan Poltawski (The Networking People (TNP))
    • 3:00 PM
      30 minute break Manchester Central

      Manchester Central

      Windmill St, Manchester, M2 3GX, United Kingdom.
    • UKNOF51: Session 7 Charter 1, 2, 3 (Manchester Central)

      Charter 1, 2, 3

      Manchester Central

      Windmill St, Manchester, M2 3GX, United Kingdom.
      • 18
        On the Temporal Behaviour of a Large-Scale Microservice Architecture

        Microservices are fast becoming the predominant architectural style for orchestrating online services due to the advantages they can bestow over monolithic systems. However, as microservice architectures grow in size they quickly become complicated to understand and manage. Their characteristics raise the question as to whether they may behave like complex systems. In this work, we use tools from graph theory to analyse the static and temporal dependency structure of a large-scale microservice architecture. We find that the dependency structure can fluctuate significantly at run time and further, that it can be clustered into distinct and persistent states with recognisable characteristics. Importantly, we show that these states can have functional implications for the performance of the microservice architecture. These early findings suggest that microservices may indeed behave like complex systems and, as such, would benefit from complex systems thinking when approaching their management and development.

        Speaker: Giles Winchester (University of Sussex)
      • 19
        An Introduction to Networks in Kubernetes

        Kubernetes has become the de facto method for running complex application stacks. Drawing on experience of migrating business-critical systems to Kubernetes, this talk will explain why, with a particular focus on its internal networking features and how these can interact with external networks.

        Speaker: James Wilkinson
    • 4:15 PM
      10 minute break Manchester Central

      Manchester Central

      Windmill St, Manchester, M2 3GX, United Kingdom.
    • UKNOF51: Session 8 Charter 1, 2, 3 (Manchester Central)

      Charter 1, 2, 3

      Manchester Central

      Windmill St, Manchester, M2 3GX, United Kingdom.
      • 20
        The Integration of Terrestrial and Space Based Communications

        For many years space-based satellites have provided an essential means of connectivity for a wide range of telecommunications requirements. Today we are living through the era of “New Space” in which satellites are being launched into low earth orbits to form mega-constellations which promise broadband access and lower latency than traditional satellite services. This, coupled with other developments in non-terrestrial networks, such as drones and high-altitude platforms, means we must fundamentally rethink how we evolve fixed and mobile telecommunications networks to deliver services which benefit from the integration of terrestrial and space-based communications. These benefits include greater geographical reach and enhanced availability. This talk will review current use cases, explore recent developments in industry and standards organisations such as 3GPP, and set a vision for the future of mission critical communications across a wide range of sectors.

        Speaker: Prof. Andy Sutton (BT)
      • 21
        UKNOF Volunteer Recognition

        UKNOF relies on volunteers to survive. In this session we will recognise the volunteers who make it a success. We will present plaques recognising the efforts by volunteers who have left the UKIF board and various committees. We will also welcome new volunteers who have joined the UKIF board, the Communications Committee, and the Programme Committee.

        Speakers: Denesh Bhabuta (UKNOF), Keith Mitchell (UKNOF)
      • 22
        UKNOF51 Closing

        UKNOF51 Closing

        Speaker: Keith Mitchell (UKNOF)